Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dilution and Delusions

Without a doubt, folks, the most despicable accusation leveled against against the Jews by the Arabs is that they, the Jews, are practicing genocide against the Palestinians. And, yes, some of these bastards have even gone as far as to equate Israeli actions in the territories to the Nazis' treatment of the Jews. I mean, talk about an over the top and ludicrous analogy. This, I'm saying, in that, think about it. The frigging Nazis systematically tried to rid the planet of ALL JEWS. All the Israelis have tried to do (yes, clearly, with some mistakes along the way) is figure out a way to live in peace with its neighbors.........................................................................And how 'bout this for perspective? Every single Arab who lives in Israel proper (20% of the Israeli population) has full rights and citizenship. And even the Palestinians who live in the territories - 98% of them live under the civil administration of either Hamas (you can thank the Bush administration for this one) or the Palestinian Authority. Granted, it isn't the same as having an independent state but, really, the fact that the Palestinians don't have an independent state, I ask you, who's frigging fault is that?.............................................................................And, yes, there's also the demographics here. The population in Gaza has frigging exploded (an 80% growth over the past decade). Couple this with the fact that in the entire occupied territories, the population has nearly tripled since 1970 (something made possible, ironically, by the Jews - improvements in income, health care, etc.) and, yeah, you kind of get the picture. If in fact the Jews are trying to commit genocide here, they're certainly doing a bad/half-assed job. Wouldn't you say? P.S. The statistics I used here I got from the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

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