Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fibs and the Fibbing Fibbers Who....

Liberals, in this ridiculous effort of theirs to salvage the small amount of credibility that the mainstream media still has, constantly go around saying that, "Hey, at least they don't flat-out lie like Fox does."...................................................................Well, guess what, me-buckos, they do lie. Just the other night (for example), David Shuster (what an asinine frigging piece of work he is, huh?) - damned if he didn't let out what I considered to be a real whopper. He actually had the audacity to say that Arlen Specter was being "chased out of the Republican party." I mean, I know that the moderate wing of the Republican party is shrinking and all but, COME ON HERE! Specter left out of self-preservation and self-preservation only. He felt he had a better chance to hold on to his seat if he switched parties (didn't he basically do the same thing 40 years ago - in reverse - went from being a Democrat to a Republican, doing it for expediency?). And so he did...................................................................Look, folks, I've always kind of likes Specter. He's a moderate and a maverick and so am I. But for the obviously moronic Shuster to try and make political hay out of this - that, I'm afraid to say, is inordinately shameless. Of course, what's even more shameless is the fact that those eqally partisan viewers of his fail to see ANY of it as crap. The frigging bastards lap it up, for Christ.


  1. Will,what the hell has happened to the conversation? I've been silent for a couple months and cant believe how much these blogs have dried up.

  2. Hey, Russ. Yeah, I don't post at Lydia's these days. I simply can't stomach Mike and Cliff anymore. They constantly accuse me of bullcrap and it got to the point where it was pointless. Too bad. The place has the potential to be a good forum. P.S. They accused YOU of being Nicholas. How's that for preposterous?

  3. You've probably noticed, too, Russ, I no longer allow for anonymous comments. The loonies over there totally cooked that goose, too.


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