Saturday, May 23, 2009

Screws Loose

It really infuriates me the way that O'Reilly frames this torture issue. He makes it sound as if the only choices we have are these enhanced interrogation techniques....or nada. We either put the screws to these guys, he says, or we simply let them sit there, picking their noses - asking only for their 1) name, 2) rank, and 3) serial number. I mean, come on, talk about simple-minded/ridiculous.....................................................................And the thing is, folks, the frigging guy should know better. I mean, wasn't his father a cop or something? This, I'm saying, in that, yes, you can get information out of people in a variety of ways; through threats, through trickery, through relationship building, through good cop-bad cop, etc.. It's not even remotely necessary to simulate drowning. Which really makes me wonder here, me-buckos, perhaps Mr. O'Reilly was himself abused in a prior existence. And, yes, now he really wants to..............

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