Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Perplexing Protest, To Say the Least

I'm not exactly sure what Mr. Cheney is pissed about. He keeps saying that President Obama wants to dismantle the Bush "anti-terror" policies. But, seriously, other than stopping water-boarding (which the Bush administration itself stopped back in '04) and proposing to close Gitmo (which President Bush and candidate McCain also wanted to do), what in the hell is Dick Cheney talking about?...............................................................I mean, seriously, just look at some of the stuff that President Obama is keeping; warrant-less wire-taps, rendition (perhaps with some modifications), military tribunals, extended captivity for certain combatants, targeted killings, drones into Pakistan, a hefty residual force in Iraq. And, yes, me-buckos, add to that the fact that he's adding 21,000 supplemental troops into the Afghan theatre, spending a lot more money on unconventional fighting, etc., and you've really got to wonder about Cheney here.................................................................Look, folks, I'm one of the few people who's tried to cut Mr. Cheney some slack. Hell, I've even gone as far as to modestly defend him at times. But if he continues pulling stunts like this/using such a twisted form of logic with the country....Let's just say that he's making it difficult for me.


  1. EXACTLY...............except for the defending that treasonous bastard Cheney, i'm in COMPLETE agreement with you.

  2. Cheney's perplexing to me. He was a decent congressman. He was a decent chief of staff for Ford. And he was a borderline great secretary of defense for 41 (knowing THEN the folly of an Iraq invasion). Something evidently happened to him along the way.


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