Monday, May 11, 2009

Real World Stuff

The President seems to be taking his lumps from both sides lately. In fact, folks, I'd go as far as to say that those on the left are equally furious with him. I mean, just check out some of the commentary regarding Obama's decision to take a second look at military tribunals. Does the term, Bush-lite, ring familiar? And, yes, me-buckos, that was one of the kinder things that they said about him..................................................................Well, guess what, folks, I've decided to give President Obama a little bit of a break here. This fundamentally decent man has an unimaginable weight on his shoulders. And, yes, the most significant portion of that weight he feels is to keep the citizens of this country safe. If he feels that traditional court proceedings could conceivably jeopardize valuable American intelligence and therefore put the country at risk, it's not a part of my personal inclination to stand in his way....................................................................And, no, it's not like the military tribunals (in this country, anyway) have a disgraceful track record. They do not. Hell, even a strong civil libertarian, such as John Dean, has essentially admitted to this. He points to Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, and, yes, even the liberals' own darling, FDR, as having already used them. I don't know, folks, my simple suggestion would be that we refrain from jumping to conclusions here. I also strongly advocate giving President Obama a break on this one. To take a quote from the great Judy Garland, the President's "not in Kansas anymore".

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