Sunday, May 10, 2009

Will the Real John McCain....

I saw Senator McCain on the Tonight Show recently (a few weeks back, I think it was). And, yes, me-buckos, I have to admit it here, I was stunned. This, I'm saying, in that, damn it all, the frigging guy was funny, charming, and, yes, even a little bit insightful. I mean, seriously, all I could do was continuously ask myself, "where in the hell was this guy during the campaign?" Not that I necessarily would have voted for him, mind you (he wanted to blow up a few too many things, in my opinion), but at least it would have been a hell of a lot less agonizing to watch..............................................................Oh, and, yes, folks, the senile dementia that those on the fringe so amateurishly and mean-spiritedly diagnosed him with (during the campaign) - that seems to have cleared itself up nicely. In fact, he's making a hell of a lot less gaffes than the Vice President currently is. Hm, which makes me want to ask you, how old is Biden getting to be these days?...I'm kidding!!

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