Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ratings, Angles, and Videotape

Here's a good one, folks. Yesterday, while Fox and MSNBC were covering the completely inane/totally unnewsworthy press-conference of Donald Trump/Miss California, CNN was actually doing what it claims it does/advertises; i.e., REAL NEWS! I mean, sure, they'll probably take another hit in the ratings because of it but seriously/think about it. Does that not make their decision even more noble?..................................................................And, yes, add to that, the sheer partisan motivation of those at Fox and MSNBC. Those bastards didn't cover this story simply because of the titillating aspects to it. They covered it also so they could put THEIR spin on the gay marriage issue; MSNBC obviously in favor of gay marriage (as I am as well - truth in advertising), those at Fox opposed to it. That absolutely obvious (talking-heads blathering, etc.) was their motivation - I swear!.................................................................The bottom-line, folks: these two rump cable news organizations rarely (if ever) do anything by accident. They pretty much have an agenda driven motivation from breakfast on. And, yes, me-buckos, this was just another in a long line of examples of it. They really should be ashamed.

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