Monday, May 25, 2009

Survival of the Partisan

Is it my imagination, or does it seem like a lot of people are relishing the fact that the Republicans are disintegrating? I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the fact that there's still a lot of residual Bush hatred out there - that, and a feeling that the Republicans are finally getting a comeuppance of sorts. And, no, let us not forget, either, the fact that there's still a lot of that good old fashioned partisanship out there (yes, Republicans would probably be just as giddy over a Democratic demise). Hard cores have always loved to see the opposing party suffer. One might say that some of them almost seem to get aroused by it....................................................................Well, let me tell you something, folks. I don't see anything of a positive nature at what's going on here. Strong democracies need two (probably more than that, but at least two) strong and vibrant parties. This, I'm saying, in that whenever a society has just one party dominant in it, things inevitably tend to go wrong. And, no, I'm not just talking about fascist and communist dictatorships, either...........................................................................Take FDR, for example. While I'm not as predisposed to kick him to the curb as some people are (this, in that no doubt some of his policies were probably necessary), a lot of what he rammed through the Democratic congress was counterproductive, at best (National Recovery Act, Agricultural Adjustment Act). And, yes, we're all still pretty much recovering from the Bush administration policies of foreign adventurism, deficit spending, bailing out Wall Street, etc...............................................................Me, folks, I personally hope that the Republicans DO get their act together and, yes, start to put some reasonable proposals together - if for no other reason, I'm saying, than to keep the Democrats focused/on their toes. I mean I don't know about you folks, but Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi unchecked, I'm not really thinking that that's where we ought to be heading.

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