Monday, May 18, 2009

Random Flurries

A prominent liberal blogger recently asked this rather provocative (though, yes, it was probably meant to be rhetorical, too) question. She specifically wanted to know, "How did Dick Cheney receive five draft deferments, enabling him to avoid military service in Vietnam?................................................................Of course, just like Pontius Pilate, this blogger didn't stick around for a discussion - pursuing, instead, a litany (an exhaustive one in fact) of other chinks in the conservatives' armour. But, please (and, yes, so, too, me-buckos, just to be playful), folks, allow me a minute or two to actually answer her. Dick Cheney got his five draft deferments in the same exact manner that Joe Biden got his (five draft deferments) - by going to frigging school, for Christ!!................................................................Oh, and in case you might be interested, being that Cheney is clearly a couple of years older than Biden, his avoidance of the draft is actually LESS blatant. I mean, sure, you could probably hit Mr. Cheney harder on the hypocrisy "meter" (Cheney apparently being in favor of the Vietnam War) but, still. Wasn't Biden part of the mindless Democratic contingent who voted to give President Bush what was basically a blank check for Iraq? I mean, seriously, I seem to recall something about that.


  1. Having Joe Biden as his VP makes
    Obie look even smarter then he
    actually is.Not to mention Nancy
    Pelosi as speaker,her and Biden
    make Obie look like Hawking.

  2. Welcome back, Russ. I was actually thinking that same thing myself today. In fact, I'd really like to get Obama on some truth serum and ask him what he really thinks of these two characters (Barney Frank, as well).


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