Sunday, May 31, 2009

Diluted Sins

Where did liberal bloggers ever get this notion that Keith Olbermann never lies? I mean, seriously, do they just not scrutinize what he says or something, tend to give the guy a break because he agrees with them politically? It has to be something along those lines, obviously..............................................................And, yes, folks, I say it here, obviously, because obviously the son of a bitch DOES lie. Just last week, for example, the thin-skinned Olbermann went on a retaliatory, lie-soaked tantrum against a media critic named David Zurawik (Zurawik apparently committed the unpardonable sin of negatively critiquing the host for his mean-spiritedness, partisanship, etc.). Mr. Olbermann's main charge was that Mr. Zurawick was either a blind ideologue or that he was somehow on the take from somebody. A scurrilous charge, in other words.................................................................And, yes, folks, so, too, did it represent a bald-faced deception. Mr. Zurawik is a frigging media critic. Hell, most of the pieces he writes for the Baltimore Sun don't even deal with political programming. And when he does write about news programs, the man has a vast and clear-cut record of non-partisanship. In fact, amongst his more brutal reviews are those he's written about Fox; Greta Van Susteren, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, etc.. For Mr. Olbermann to so blatantly distort and pillory this man's record is as vile a thing as I've seen in quite some time. And, yes, folks, it also shows, categorically, just how low that this complete and total creep will go to 1) advance his partisan agenda and 2) take a whack at anybody who has the audacity to disagree with him.......................................................................Of course, there is in fact a highly amusing aspect to all of this as well. The fact that this utter hack would have the temerity to call ANYBODY an ideologue - that, me-buckos, is side-splitting. It's also a textbook example of projection and, hence, exceedingly hilarious in that regard, too.

1 comment:

  1. When did this happen and what did KO say, exactly? I don't know why you think your readers are supposed to take your word for it that things went down EXACTLY as you describe them, and why your readers should believe the intent behind those words is exactly what you presume it to be.

    If you could provide a link to the precise quote (in context) I would appreciate it.


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