Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Motley Screw

Ed Schultz refers to Dick Cheney as "the shooter". Sean Hannity refers to Treasury Secretary Geithner as "Turbo Tax-cheat, Tim Geithner". And, yes, believe it or not, folks, these are two of the more intelligent things that these clowns have been saying lately. It's like, I almost can't believe what I've been seeing of late - partisan stooges, not only having a high profile on cable news channels....but each having their own frigging program, too!...................................................................And the fact that they seemingly spend 50% of their allotted air time....attacking each other!! I mean, just the other night, for example, Keith Olbermann (along with his guest for the segment, Arianna Huffington) did an entire feature on Rush Limbaugh's apparent lack of mental stability (the implication being that Rush is losing it - as we speak!). And, yes, they passed it off as frigging news story, for Christ!!........................................................................The thing that I most want to know, though, is this. Who in the hell are the idiots who are putting THESE idiots on the air? And why? I mean, it's all got to be about the money/ratings, right? What in the hell else could it be? It's certainly not about serving the public-good. That is abundantly obvious.


  1. He has his moments. But, in my opinion, so does Olbermann. Hell, I'm beginning to think that he actually thinks he's Edward R. Murrow.


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