Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Neil Simon on Acid

It just kind of dawned on me, folks. I haven't seen the Reverend Al Sharpton on the O'Reilly Factor lately. Gee, I hope that those two little love-birds haven't had a falling out or anything. This, I'm saying, in that, damn it, yes, that was some pretty God damned entertaining shit, those two....................................................................As for all of you people who thought that these two clowns/characters represented an odd-couple pairing of sorts, think about it. What is it that Al Sharpton likes more than anything else? Face/air time, right? And what about O'Reilly? What is it that that son of a bitch likes more than anything? I'll give you a clue. He brags about it all the time and it rhymes with hatings. Yeah, that's right, high ratings. Who do people love to love/hate/watch more than the Reverend Al Sharpton? I mean, seriously, folks, talk about a win-win situation, huh? Strange bedfellows? Those be damned in television, apparently......................................................................P.S. And, yes, so, too, did they apparently have another type of arrangment. This, I'm saying, in that they never seemed to overtly criticize each other. Sharpton never criticized O'Reilly about that stupid comment O'Reilly made about black people acting civilized in a restaurant (and of how he, O'Reilly, was surprised by it) and O'Reilly, reciprocally, seemingly went easy on Al most of the time. Yeah, you bet, it was all kind of strange stuff. I wonder what ultimately happened.

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