Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Both Ways Cheney

There's this one thing that I just don't get about the Cheney/O'Reilly position on water-boarding, enhanced interrogation techniques (torture, if you prefer), etc.. According to Bush administration officials, they actually haven't used these methods for years. Water-boarding, in particular, they haven't used since 2003 (supposedly). So, the fact that Obama says that HE isn't going to use them, either - how in the hell is that a huge departure for us, an act that is supposedly going to make us less safe....from terrorism, etc.?..............................................................And the thing is, folks, I really want to ask the former VP, "So, when was it that YOU GUYS suddenly decided to make us less safe? Yes, Mr. Vice President, or were you in fact 'keeping us safe' all along, only to be lying about it repeatedly in public?" You see what I'm saying here, right, folks? It's either got to be one or the other. They were either using these techniques all along (this, as part of their rugged anti-terror program) and lying about it OR they weren't (thus compromising security - this according to Cheney's own logic). Either way, it's (please, pardon the pun) torturous.

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