Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Thanks but No Thanks

Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, Mitchy McConnell and John Boehner - THOSE....are my options? I mean, seriously, folks, THAT'S IT? That's the frigging rubbish you're expecting me to be sifting through now? Seriously?.............................................................Well, guess what there, me-buckos? I ain't buying either of those two sorry-assed choices. I mean, think about it. McConnell and Boehner (option A) - those two sons of bitches were part of the crew that 1) got us bogged down in Iraq, 2) emboldened Iran and the rest of the Shiite world, and 3) allowed that piss-ant bin Laden to scurry off (nice job, fellas). Option B, the drooling and moronic Pelosi and Reid "squad" - that, on the other hand, is spending us into bankruptcy. Rapidly!...............................................................I mean, I hate to say it, folks, but that raving lunatic, Ross Perot, is starting to look damn good by comparison. This, I'm saying, in that at least the guy had some common sense and, yes, knew how to balance a frigging check-book from time to time. Reid, Pelosi, McConnell, and Boehner - I'm not really thinking so.


  1. Oh yeah Buck'o?
    I don't see no one else on the plate, so that's what you got.
    Oh and you were spent into bankruptcy years ago and were too dumb to know it - what you are seeing now is the result of DECADES of severe trade imbalance, not stupid spending. If we produced our own energy, and manufactured for domestic consumption AND export, if we didn't import half of our food - this the result of four decades of bad policy .... well Buck'o we would have been the greatest, strongest, wealthiest nation on earth. Instead we are a debtor to the third world ... broke and afraid to challenge our real rivals.

  2. I have never (and will never) endorse the policies of the Bush administration. I just don't see how some of this cockemamy spending is going to facilitate a damn thing. And the fact that the money is being borrwed from frigging China and/or being freshly printed, it's frightening to think about the consequences. P.S. I fully advocate a 3rd party be added to that "plate".

  3. The solution to a severe trade imalance? Protectionism? Hell of a lot of good luck with that.

  4. "...If we produced our own energy, and manufactured for domestic consumption AND export, if we didn't import half of our food - this the result of four decades of bad policy .... well Buck'o we would have been the greatest, strongest, wealthiest nation on earth..."I agree. And what party was it that has stood in the way of that all these years eh?

  5. Welcome back, Volt. It's good to have somebody flank me from the right from time to time. P.S. Just got done reading "Rethinking the Great Depression" by Marquette U. Prof Gene Smiley. Interesting stuff. Not sure I totally agree with everything but very thought provoking stuff. Familiar?

  6. Hi Will.

    No, I'm not familiar with Smiley's work, but it sounds similar to a study from Berkley a few years back.

    Pretty damning when even Berzerkley profs claim FDR screwed us royally...

    Take a read of The Revolution was by Garet Garrett. It was written in 1938.

    See if you can spot any similarities to today.

  7. Hey Will!

    I hope you spot this because I didn't want to hijack your current thread, or to be obvious to a casual vistor.

    Have you noticed the new guy at Lydia's? And if so what's your opinion of him?

    I'm getting bad vibes...

  8. The WEB guy? I don't know what to make of him. You think he's a sock puppet?

  9. Yeah WEB.

    No, I don't think he's a sock puppet. I'm just not sure he has peaceful intentions.

    I browsed his site and read some of his articles. He seems to see EVERYTHING through the prism of race.

    I think he's a black racist.

  10. There are certainly people like that out there, bro. Lydia being flanked from the LEFT, who'd a thunk it?


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