Monday, May 4, 2009

The Argument Within an Argument

Even the depression of 1938 (the depression within a depression) has been a topic for debate. Those on the left say that it occurred solely because FDR tried to cut spending and balance the budget (he tried to be a conservative, in other words). Conservatives, they, on the other hand, blame this second slowdown on 1) the Fed's increase in reserve requirements (an action that considerably tightened the money supply) and 2) a rapid rise in labor costs due to unionizing (less money available for investment). The President's LIBERAL policies, in other words................................................................And the fact that both sides are always so certain about everything (damn it), tend to put on display such exorbitant levels of arrogance, etc.. Hell, folks, I'd even go as far as to say is that it's probably that that infuriates me more than anything - the knuckle-dragging certitude, especially.


  1. "a rapid rise in labor costs due to unionizing"

    Pal, the numbers exist - and that just doesn't match the numbers.

  2. I wasn't arguing either side here. Just for the record.


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