Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sheik Yer' President

Obama OBVIOUSLY bowed to the Saudi king, folks. The frigging camera caught it, for Christ! I mean, that was in fact Obama in the film, correct?.....................................................................P.S. Not that I even necessarily care, mind you. I mean, I personally wouldn't have bowed to the SOB - EVER! But that's just me (I don't even like to "rise" when the judge comes prancing in). My only complaint is with the ridiculous "explanations" that the Obama camp is presently serving up; that the president was leaning over to accommodate the much shorter Saudi king, etc.. Bullshit, in other words................................................................I don't know, folks, it's like, why can't these frigging politicians just be straight with us? I mean, all that Obama/team Obama had to say was that they just weren't certain as to the proper protocol. That's all....and that maybe he, as president of the United States, didn't necessarily have to show a deference of this magnitude to a fellow who consistently makes the top ten worst dictators list. Simple, no? But, no, gotta constantly try and fool the public with spinning and bull-crapping. I'm just getting kind of sick of it, personally.


  1. Hey Will,

    I know you're a fan of the golden age of movies and probably remember the German horror flick "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari".

    Did you know he had a grand daughter?

    I left this for you on Lydia's last thread but it got buried.
    (and Lydia thought it was related to Caligula)

    A friend of mine rented this once and we watched it while intoxicated. My jaw hit the floor.
    I watched it again a few nights later completely sober. Same result...LOL

    Check the related videos for more clips. It is fascinating in a campy sort of way.

  2. Obama, the President of the United States and leader of the free world, bows to a Saudi King who represents a despotic regime noted for its’ human rights violations, a birthplace of terrorists, a symbol of everything that is an antithesis to our system of government, and it’s no big deal?

    I consider myself fortunate to have been born in a republic. I appreciate that as a citizen of a republic, I need not bow to any man or woman. We are all created equal, and blood lines do not make one person superior. This gesture by Obama should rankle every citizen for when Obama bowed as President of the United States, we all bowed.

    He did bow, see the video from the latest angle:

  3. I've never heard of that movie, Volt. I guess I'll have to investigate it. Hey, I've noticed that you don't blog at Lydia's anymore. Probably a wise move. This, I'm saying, in that while I'm starting to warm up to Lydia herself, the henchmen are still the henchmen. Best to keep a wide gait from time to time, probably.

  4. Hi Ju. I absolutely appreciate your view here. I just wanted to give Obama the benefit of the doubt, that's all. And like I said above, it's the lying after the fact that I find troublesome. Hey, Volt, can you imagine if Bush had bowed to the SOB. The left-wing smear agents would have gone apoplectic.

  5. Bush kissed the Saudi King's hand, his ring and is one of his best "buddies."

    I am not convinced that President Obama (bowed) in reverence to the saudi leader.

    I think it was a very quick and spontaneous motion that was merely a gesture of acknowledgment and nothing else. This is protocol by the way. It did not look good for sure. But i think the thought behind it was absolutely NOT bowing in reverence.

    I do believe however when George Bush was holding hands with the Saudi leader that it meant more than just following protocol, personally I think they looked like they were dating as the saudis were stuffing his pockets with money.
    (Comment from HuffPo)

    Affirmed: Image results for picture of bush holding hands kissing Saudi ...

  6. The uproar over someone going into another country, respecting their customs just reveals the lack of understating Americans have about other countries.

    Remember- 1 out of 4 Americans hold a passport, 20 % of them travel to (Mexican beaches)

    The ignorance is pitiful and quite embarrassing.

    The people getting their panties in an uproar should pick up a book-learn something

    We as Americans do not even rank in the top 25 in the world for education. Pitiful

    Remember- 1 out of 4 Americans hold a passport, 20 % of them travel to (Mexican beaches)

    (Comment from HuffPo)

  7. Will, I left a comment for you on yesterday's post.

    I am posting a couple of interesting responses to this bowing thing:

    "I think the media is making too much hype over all this. I lived in Japan for a while and I bowed to everyone. Granted, I am no one important, but that shows what kind of respectful person Obama is. I am so glad he is president. I don't think he should be criticed for it."
    HuffPo comment.

  8. President Obama meets and greets with a bow Saudi King Abdullah bin AbdulAziz Al Saud, a regional leader enjoying something more than 95% approval of the people in his region, a progressive reformer introducing sweeping changes in Saudi life, an internationalist striving to moderate swings and excesses in oil prices and foster a just solution to the issue of Palestine / Israel, and a true partner with the international community in efforts to root out terrorism and its causes; someone who also happens to be an exceptionally kind and compassionate elderly man given to modesty of habit and conservative religous piety. In so many ways, a great man who would be the pride of any family, or country.
    Way to go, President Obama. How appropriately respectful.
    I am proud to be from the United States, the country you so gracefully represent.
    The Burdicks - HuffPo

  9. And this last one:

    "I'd really like the answer to how you felt, having a President who's family is in business with the BinLaden family - as Bush is and was."

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  11. Just for the record, Lydia, I thought that President Bush was WAY to cozy with the Saudi royal family. I remember Don Imus derisively commenting on some of the footage and I agreed with him. And I didn't have a problem with the Obama bow, either. I just didn't like the way that the Obama team came out and started over it afterwards. That's all (Obama didn't bow to the stubby Frenchman, for example).

  12. Welcome back, Clif. All I ask is that you show a small fraction of the class that your colleague is showing and, yes, maybe drop the profanity, too.

  13. "We as Americans do not even rank in the top 25 in the world for education. Pitiful."

    Yes, and which side is most responsible for that? The teachers unions will not allow change in the system, and they support Dems always.
    Teddy *hic* Kennedy WROTE the damn "no child left behind" act, and they criticized Bush for it.

    Little Johnny may not be able to read and write, but he sure knows all about "Global Warming" and how "Evil" corporations are.

  14. "I am not convinced that President Obama (bowed) in reverence to the saudi leader."

    Yeah, me neither. As FAR as he bent over I'm sure he lost a contact lens...

  15. Cool eh Will?

    You get to read the Puff Ho without even having to go there...

  16. "I'd really like the answer to how you felt, having a President who's family is in business with the BinLaden family - as Bush is and was."

    Depends on which side of the Bin Laden family he's doing business with. They seem to be a LARGE and rather diverse family. Osama's fathers side are contractors who build things, embassies among them.

    Don't we all know someone whose kids an asshole?

  17. Oh and before I forget, is the title to this thread a nod to Frank Zappa?

    I seem to recall he had an album titled "Sheik Yerbouti", which in itself was a backhanded nod to KC and the Sunshine bands "Shake your Booty"...

  18. Frank Zappa, indeed, Volt. As for the Bin Laden family, I was kind of thinking that, too - i.e., that they're a large, diverse family, most of whom are probably embarrassed and horrified by Osama.

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  22. Oh, that's much better, Clif. Actually, I was hoping you'd keep it there. I want Lydia to see what a classy guy she's been dealing with all these years.

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  25. Anybody who disagrees with you is dumb, Clif. That, unfortunately, is how your feeble, hackneyed, and utterly cartoon oriented mindset functions. It's a complex world, Cliffy, and, yes, every once indigo/blue moon, you be frigging wrong there, numbnuts. Maybe grow up a little bit, for your own sake.

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  28. Serves me right for trying to be the bigger person.

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  30. So, I was right, I couldn't have won either way, disability boy. Bottom-line, buddy, that was a depicable post (John McCain being called a traitor, my God). And, yes, it was on Lydia's blog. And, no, she didn't ever disavow it. Did I handle it perfectly? No. But I'm trying to establish a better rapport with her and she seems to be reciprocating. Why (instead of being a total creep about it) don't you just step aside and let us try and work it out? Oh, and, yes, when is Senator McCain going to get his apology, Clif? I'm pretty sure being called a North Vietnamese collaborator is worse than being called a D-list celebrity. P.S. Clif, you haven't even made the Z-list yet (though, yes, you're no doubt looking for it inside of that clock-tower brain of yours).

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  32. Yeah, but, if you had spent even a fraction of the time you spent brow-beating me criticizing "Larry", at least you would have showed some decency. Larry was the one who started this whole thing.

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  34. No, Larry attacked the wrong person. You don't have freedom of speech to slander and make things up. And, yes, the fact that she allowed the slander, she was wrong, too.

  35. If I was a self-centered person, I wouldn't have dedicated the last 30 years of my life to helping vulnerable populations,been a vegetarian for the last 17 years, and sacrificed six years of my life taking care of a sick and dying wife. You're the self-centered bastard, Clif, a lazy slob taking a free ride on nthe people's expense, a lunatic trying to get by on some past imaginary glory. You need to get over YOURSELF, Cliffy.

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