Wednesday, April 8, 2009

And On the Eighth Day God Made Candidates

One of the more unnerving memories I have of last year's election season actually happened during the nominating process. Perhaps you remember it. It took place during MSNBC's Republican debate telecast. During the format, moderator, Chris Matthews, proceeded to ask these nominees (I think that there were eight at that stage) which of them DID NOT believe in evolution. The unnerving aspect? Three or four of them actually raised their hands...............................................................I mean, I know that I shouldn't have been at all shocked by this - what, with guys like Huckabee (who I actually kind of like in certain ways), Brownback, Tancredo, etc. comprising a part of this lacklustre field. But, still, I have to say that it did creep me out a bit. Quite a bit, to be honest with you.....................................................................The bottom-line, folks, I don't think that I could ever support a presidential candidate whose intellect/wherewithal was such that they would eschew the sciences to this degree. Not that I would necessarily fall in line with his/her Democratic adversary (no doubt endowed with some rather fuzzy thinking, too), either, but at least he or she would have a chance, I'm saying.

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