Friday, April 10, 2009

Frozen Rivers in Spring-Time

Unlike Bradley Hadley, Slade Leeds, etc., my positions on the issues/feelings for people AREN'T immutable. If in fact a person makes a good faith effort to smooth out a prior difference with me, yes, I am more than willing to meet them in the middle, flat-out show them a little respect, etc.. I mean, that's the mature thing to do, right?.................................................................And you know what else would have been "nice" (this directed DIRECTLY at Hadley, folks), maestro? It would have been "nice" if somebody OTHER THAN ME had voiced, yes, displeasure over there (yes, at Sassy's, I'm saying). I mean, if somebody had "posted" something as vile as that at my place (John McCain being accused of being a traitor - yeah, that one), I would have not just disavowed it but condemned it as well. At least I hope I would have done so.

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