Sunday, March 29, 2009

War Children (Apologies to Jethro Tull)

Have you noticed that whenever O'Reilly wants to expose liberal bias by his competitors at MSNBC, he generally tries to underscore it by showing footage of Chris Matthews? I mean, seriously, folks, am I the only one finds this particular tactic at least a tad on the suspicious side? It's like, hell, even Mr. O'Reilly himself admits to a little something something. "I don't mean to pick on poor Matthews. He's not anywhere near the worst over there." He's not the worst and yet he continues to pick on him. Hmm...................................................................Gee, folks, could it simply be that Mr. O'Reilly is a coward? I mean, think about it. Everybody and his sister knows that Bill O'Reilly's real beef is with Olbermann. You'd think that O'Reilly'd show some cahones and mention Mr. Olbermann by name and, yes, systematically attempt to rebut (not to mention, attack) his competitor. But he doesn't. He doesn't because he's afraid of giving Olbermann publicity, afraid that his own ratings could potentially suffer, etc.........................................................And he doesn't mention Rachel Maddow, either. The reason for that is is that Maddow comes on right after Olbermann and if in fact folks tune in to see her, and do so five minutes early, they just might hear the words, "Bill O'Reilly, the worst person in the world!!!!"....................................................................As for me, folks, I'm starting to get sick of it all the way around. I just wish that both of these guys (not to mention all the others out there who urinate on their competitors) would just go back to covering news and events. I mean, I know that O'Reilly is basically the protagonist here, the fact that he's always coming up with new and unique conspiracy theories, etc., but, lately, folks, a lot of what he's been spouting is retaliatory to Olbermann's snipes. Olbermann hammers him and O'Reilly counters by slamming MSNBC. It's all getting kind of nauseating, frankly. Hey, maybe we could get George Mitchell to broker a peace here (though, yes, northern Ireland was probably a cake-walk, comparable).

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