Friday, March 27, 2009

Buck-Shooting Critic

I really wish that O'Reilly would stop lumping MSNBC and CNN together. I mean, I know that he likes to denigrate his competition and all, generalize the daylights out of anything that doesn't say "fair and balanced", etc., but come on!.............................................................Yes, MSNBC (especially in prime-time) is as blatantly far-left a media entity as any in our history - no question! But CNN, while it hasn't always been perfectly down the middle, in my opinion, it's now far and away the fairest cable news channel, period. And, yes, I base this upon my viewing of it. From Lou Dobbs (boorishness and immigration fixation, aside) to Wolf Blitzer to Anderson Cooper and Campbell Brown, the shows are balanced and the presentations fair. And if you don't believe me, just watch it yourself. Like I just said, most topics they choose for discussion are unbiasedly presented and the panels balanced (i.e., real liberals and real conservatives). And civil - none of this strident, denigrating the other side bull-crap of Fox and MSNBC. Real news, essentially, and real debate.


  1. Ok, Will, here I am. Had to get away from that dickcheese over on the other blog before he gave me a heart attack or something. Besides, I meant it when I said you're a reasonable person and pretty inteliigent; Voltron too.

    I will grant you that MSNBC is more or less the liberal equivalent of Fox News and the conservatives. Perhaps it's because of my liberal persuasion but I don't think it's as bad -- remember when the fox reporter referred to Barack & Michelle's fist bump as the "terrorist fist jab?" I mean, come on!

    CNN has always been as straight down the middle as is reasonably possible. I still prefer MSNBC though.

    Suppose it's possible that I'm really you and now I'm talking to myself?

  2. How are you doing, my brother? Yeah, you're safe here. Bartlebee tends to eschew me (though, yes, Mike and Clif still think I'm a closet right-winger and occasionally voice so here). Seriously, though, I do try and call it down the middle and when I do criticize politicians, I try and be respectful. I think you're probably right about Fox being worse overall but in prime-time it's kind of a toss-up (in my opinion). I look forward to hearing your views. Take care.

  3. "remember when the fox reporter referred to Barack & Michelle's fist bump as the "terrorist fist jab?"

    That was E.D. Hill. She got fired.

  4. Barty is about as paranoid as they come.

    But it's fun pokin sticks at him just to hear him yell...

  5. Keith Olbermann (or however the heck you spell it) is as far to the left as O'Reilly is to the right ... although I dont think he's as arrogant or cutthroat as BillO is. Tell you what though, I really like Rachel Maddow. Sure, she's obviously a Democrat and a liberal but somehow she's not as in-your-face the way Keith is ... certainly she's more soft-spoken. I think she's a good balance to Keith and Chris Matthews. The couple of times she's had Republican politicians on that I've watched, she's always been respectful and genuinely appreciative that they appeared on her show.

  6. Voltron said "That was E.D. Hill. She got fired."

    Did she? Hadn't heard about that.

  7. Ok, so if I understand it all correctly, we're all the same person as well as Sara and one of you two is Jackie and I'm the imposter Bart but so is the Rove guy who appeared but apparently I'm not him.

    Need to get my ID out and find out exactly who it is that I am.

  8. Hi guys. I will agree with you about Rachel Maddow, MCH. At least she has Republicans on her show from time to time. Olbermann - he, on the other hand, NEVER has anybody who EVER disagrees with him. At the very least, it's bad television. Really, Volt, you think that CNN is as bad as MSNBC? Please remember, it was Ed Henry from CNN who asked Obama the toughest question at the press conference. And they always have strong consevatives on their shows; Bill Bennett, Alex Costallanos (spelling?), etc.. I think it's a pretty good network.

  9. On occaision they do Will, but for the most part the supposed conservatives they have on are noodle spined conservatives who end up bashing their own.

  10. Yeah, it's confusing, MCH. Personally, I have enough trouble being myself. LOL P.S. Sorry about the commentator moderation thing, but Cliffy (and/or Barty) was leaving me way too many nasties. I needed to put up a stop gap measure.

  11. And Campbell Brown asks hardball questions of Republicans and tosses softballs at Dems.

  12. Jack Cafferty has been ranting on Sarah Palin just about every night since she was selected to run for VP...

  13. To be fair to Olberrman, I dont think any Republicans will ever agree to appear on his show ... not that I necessarily blame them. I was amazed -- and impressed -- when Obama appeared on O'Reilly's show.

  14. Interesting, Volt. That's what the critics of Fox tend to say about them, that their "liberals" tend to be of the pseudo variety; Mort Kondracke, Juan Williams, Nina Easton, etc.. And I do like the way that CNN stays away from the shouting match shows. Hey, I'm heading out, guys. UConn, we're going to the final four baby!!

  15. No, that's understandable. Personally, I think Lydia needs to do the same thing.

    I want to like her blog, and I used to. She puts some good posts in but that paranoid rabid moron that she allows to run loose in there destroys everything she's trying to do with her "peace and love and Christian" messages. I don't think she gets it, I really don't. I can see what she's trying to do with her blog but it'll never happen with him there.

    God knows I probably will never be held up as a shining example or rolemodel (for obvious reasons) but I like to think I'm a decent enough guy; Bart on the other hand needs some serious psychiatric help and Lydia is doing him no favors by allowing him to run loose. She needs to stage an intervention and soon.

  16. Rub it in about UConn ... I live in Missouri.

  17. Oh, and Volt, you might tell WOnder-Boy over there the difference between "slander" and "libel" ... the first is verbal, the latter is written.

  18. Alright one more, and then I really got to go to bed (I work on Sundays). You know what it is guys? I think our preconceptions really and truly influence us here. Like with Mike. He actually thinks that Katie Couric is a right winger. And with Campbell Brown, Volt. When I watch her, I generally see someone who's been pretty much on top of Obama (John King, too). You see the opposite, though. P.S. And don't forget about me, either, bro. This, I'm saying, in that I'm nothing but a slimy right-wing concern troll/idiot. LOL

  19. "P.S. And don't forget about me, either, bro. This, I'm saying, in that I'm nothing but a slimy right-wing concern troll/idiot. LOL"

    Well Will, you DO hang out with me...LOL

  20. Hey, Volt, even Obama said it, "the Republicans have good ideas, too." Sorry about Mizzou, MCH. They had an awesome season, though, man, and coach Anderson's a keeper.

  21. Making it to the Elite 8 is nothing to sneeze at -- and they made it a game to the end.

  22. Last night was particularly amazing.

    Evidently the discovery that there is a loose association of people that don't like him is a monumental revelation to Bart.

    My description of him as a Megalomainiac may be more correct than even I thought...LOL

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Seems like Mikey likes his revisionist history as well.

    The only "lie" on my behalf was a lie of omission. I never told him he was wrong when he was accusing TT of being Eric.

    When directly asked I have never denied that.

    Bet you didn't know I worked for Blogger did you Will? Me being an Eeeeeville computer genius an all that...

    I only wish I were as slick as they seem to think I am.

  25. I just got a very nice email from Lydia; there may be hope yet. I responded and politely let her know what my thoughts and feelings were regarding her blog.

    It would be nice for that blog to be a reasonable place to be again

  26. In case you haven't checked lately, the idiot squad is in full grand mal delusion mode...LOL

  27. You know, if PMSDNC is a moderate news organization, AND Chris tingly leg Matthews is a moderate anchor,

    Exactly what would a far left outfit look like on their planet?

  28. Also, it would make one wonder I think that the "moderate" news programs on PMSDNC consistently get the lowest ratings and FOX programs consistently gets the highest...

    I suppose Nielsen is a right wing group?

    By those standards I guess Katie Communist IS a flaming right winger.

  29. I stated my case over on Lydia's blog ... I hope that ends the flame war.

    As for Katie Couric, to be honest it's been so long since I've paid attention, I dont know if she leans left right, or is in the center. I do think she's hot though, same with Campbell Brown.

  30. Matthews is finicky, Volt. It doesn't sound like he's in love with Obama anymore. Olbermann, however, I think that Obama would basically have to kill a guy before he was critical of him.

  31. LOL, I just gotta stir the pot.

    See what floats to the top doncha know...

  32. Edith Ann Tarbox

    She never was E.D. and as far as anyone can determine she's still on Fox payroll.


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