Monday, March 30, 2009

A Quarter Prius With Cheese, Please

Your silence is deafening, Mr. Gore. I mean, sure, you've been vocal enough in general on global warming but, damn it, sir, the devil continues to be in the details here. As I've stated many times before, the American meat/livestock industry continues to contribute more in terms of man-made greenhouse gasses than all of our cars, trucks, planes, and trains COMBINED!! And, being that most of this information continues to come from U.N. reports, I'm pretty sure you're aware of it, Mr. Gore. Once again, I ask you, why the silence? Why the frigging silence?................................................................I mean, seriously, bro, shouldn't you be educationg people here? Shouldn't you be telling them that the best way that they personally can stop global warming is to switch to a vegetarian diet, or at least eat less in terms of red meat? And what about you, shouldn't YOU be setting a better example by eating less meat yourself? I mean, you do want to be a good role model, don't you? DON'T YOU?

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