Friday, March 27, 2009

Did You Hear the One About....?

First of all, folks, I have absolutely no problem with President Obama's Special Olympics joke (gaffe, if you prefer). In fact, the politically incorrect tenor of it actually made me like it somewhat - laugh even (as I tend to like Obama's sense of humor in general). I mean, sure, the fact that he's the president probably should have caused him to press the pause-button and save the joke for later but, come on, the guy's a human being and human beings make mistakes. We're especially adept at putting our feet in our mouths.............................................................The only part of this that bothers me, folks, is the inconsistency. This, I'm saying, in that I think we all know what would have happened had a Republican said something this politically incorrect. Yeah, that's right. Internet sites such as the Daily Kos would have gone absolutely apoplectic. And, so, too, would have radio personalities such as Lydia Cornell and Rachel Maddow. To them, folks, a gaffe is only a gaffe if a Republican says it. Progressively speaking, of course!

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