Thursday, March 26, 2009

Arrogant Display

I was watching the Factor the other night, folks. And, yes, I was (as I am from time to time) very amused. Bill was in the midst of one of his powder-puff interviews with "analyst" (propagandist, if you prefer), Karl Rove, and Rove, right in the middle of the love-fest, uttered this gratuitous "observation". He actually had the temerity to call President Obama arrogant. Rove, I'm saying - Rove called Obama arrogant. It's like, talk about the pond calling the river wet, huh?.............................................................I mean, I know that I've been a little tough on Obama from time to time (topics ranging from wasteful spending to rendition) but, truly, if I ever had to pick between him and Karl Rove, I think I'm probably going to have to go with the president here. Hell, I actually kind of like the president. He's smart. He's funny. And, yes, from what I can tell, folks, he doesn't seem to have a mean bone, either (something that his stronger critics probably see as a weakness). I, personally, would love to have a beer with the fellow..............................................................There, now if I could only get him to listen to Evan Bayh more, Nancy Pelosi a hell of a lot less, etc..

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