Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars

It just amazes me the way that people go crazy whenever Brad Pitt and George Clooney star in a movie together. And, yes, folks, when I say it amazes me, I mean it COMPLETELY amazes me. It's like, this is supposed to be some sort of power-house combination or something? "Brad Pitt and George Clooney together again." Those words are supposed to get me excited? Seriously?...............................................................I mean, don't get me wrong here. These guys are respectable actors (certainly more than serviceable in their better parts). And, yes, if I were a woman with a penchant to follow the lead on aesthetics, maybe I'd be making a big fat hairy deal as well. But, come on, is this the best that we can do these days? Burt Lancaster and Montgomery Clift in "From Here to Eternity", Humphrey Bogart and Edward G. Robinson in "Key Largo", Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum in "Cape Fear", Orson Welles and Joseph Cotton in "The Third Man", Anthony Quinn and Jackie Gleason in "Requiem For a Heavyweight" - now THOSE, folks, were some serious combos! And, yes, an extra-large dose of perspective, too. George Clooney and Brad Pitt, my ass.


  1. Oh, and, yes, if you were interested in a power combo of women, try Bette Davis and Ann Baxter in "All About Eve". That should get your juices flowing pretty good, too.

  2. Will sucks moose cock for Sarah Palin's enjoyment.


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