Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Practice Makes Opportunistic/Cynical

While I generally prefer not to put stock in the partisan analyses of others, there has in fact been this one liberal talking point that clearly does resonate with me. I cite the one that states as follows: George Bush continues to want credit for the U.S. not being hit again since 9/11. But he doesn't, DOESN'T, want any of the blame, not even a portion of it, for 9/11 itself. The President's being accused of buck-passing (not to mention inconsistency), in other words.....................................................As to WHY this is an excellent point, folks, me-thinks that that's extremely obvious here. This, I'm saying, in that, no, Bush shouldn't at all be allowed to have it both ways - taking credit for only the good eventualities. And, yes, this is especially true when apparently there was this memo on his (not to mention Condi Rice's) desk saying, "Bin laden determined to attack in the U.S.."........................................................I don't know, friends, to me, it kind of sounds like a football team that, once falling behind 14-0 after the first quarter, they plead with the referee to start the game again. I almost feel like telling President Bush, it just doesn't work that way, me-bucko!


  1. Great post Will............I've said for years that 9/11 happened on his watch so he cant take credit for keeping us safe when it happened on his watch.

    Further his administration blames Clinton for something that happened on HIS watch, thats like a sheiff blaming the last sheriff for not catching the bank robbers that robbed a bank and killed several people.

    Further they blame Clinton and imply THEY kept us safe after 9/11 well Clintons record was VERY similar to Bush he had a terrorist attack on the WTC his first year and kept us safe the remaining 7 years the only difference being Clinton ACTUALLY caught the guy who did it unlike Bush.

  2. As for GWB..........I found his interview disgusting last night not only was he thumping his chest revising history to TRY to make himself look better but WORST of all he was hiding behing the troops and the rescue workers in New Orleans like a slimy cowardly piece of sludge.

    Its sickening how a ignorant piece of sludge like GWB hides behind the military and rescue workings by acting indignant and implying that ANYONE who criticizes "HIS" response to Katrina or "HIS" handling of the War are criticizing the troops or rescue workers.

    Thats a shameful baldfaced lie and he should be ashamed of himself for resoting to such a pathetic dishonest strawman argument to TRY to whitewash his legacy.

  3. What the hell will hate mongers like deluded Mike do after Tues.?

    His friggin head going to explode,where will his focus his hate and anger?

  4. Contrary to popular opinion, Mike, I've never been a Bush apologist. If anything, I've been highly critical of him (especially in terms of his foreign policy) at times. I've just always kind of attributed it more to naivete, group think, and dogmatism than pure evil. I thinks that that's the difference.

  5. Blogger thereturnofRusty said...

    I'm guessing the left wing loon blogs will harp on Obama to investigate Bush.

    They will want to a war crimes trial and any other assorted charge they can think of.

    Their hate knows no bounds."

    Since when is investigating and giving someone a fair trial for war crimes, treason and violations against the US Constitution "hate".............newsflash Simple Simon thats called justice not YOUR definition investigating and trying the Nazi's for war crimes was "hateful" and unfair eh little troll?

  6. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    Contrary to popular opinion, Mike, I've never been a Bush apologist. If anything, I've been highly critical of him (especially in terms of his foreign policy) at times. I've just always kind of attributed it more to naivete, group think, and dogmatism than pure evil. I thinks that that's the difference."

    Group Think, sure, dogmatism yep, but not naivety.........everything the Bush admin has done regarding invading Iraq and seizing power and compromising our Constitutional freedoms and the Geneva Conventions have been calculated and carefully planned................they were in league with big oil who NEEDED to gain access to new reserves or they would wither on the vine this dovetailed nicely with the Neo Con agenda of world domination through controlling access to vital energy as well as Nation building...............look at Richard's Clarke's statements about what was said immediately after 9/11 and how Bush and Cheney dogmatically and zealousl tried to blame Iraq and USE it to justify and attack on Iraq despite clear evidence that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11.

    Further look how PNAC's plan called for the need for a Pearl Harbor type event to justify an invasion of iraq and Iran.

  7. When I say naivete, I'm refering to Bush's lack of forsight; his inability to see that Saddam, despite his evil nature, served as a buffer against Iran, his failure to deeply comprehend the multi-ethnic nature of Iraq - stuff like that. As to precisely WHY Bush took the actions that he did, I think that people will be debating that for decades.

  8. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    When I say naivete, I'm refering to Bush's lack of forsight; his inability to see that Saddam, despite his evil nature, served as a buffer against Iran, his failure to deeply comprehend the multi-ethnic nature of Iraq - stuff like that. As to precisely WHY Bush took the actions that he did, I think that people will be debating that for decades." that aspect it does dovetail with the group think!

    The hubris and Arogance was just astounding.


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