Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cue Jan and Dean, Quick!

I don't know if you folks remember the earlier days of ESPN (the amateurishness, the difficulty in filling 24 hours a day with sports programming, etc.). But, yes, I'm telling you, even if you weren't a viewer back then, you'll definitely get a kicker out of this....................................................I don't know, it must have been about twenty years ago or so. I was scanning the dial late at night (possibly impaired, I don't exactly remember). And, yep, there it was, right in front of me, exclusive ESPN coverage of one of America's favorite sports/past-times, HEAVYWEIGHT SURFING!! I shit you not, me-buckos. They actually had these 300 pound plus individuals riding waves. I mean, granted, they weren't exactly tsunamis or anything but, STILL! And the fact that I actually watched it, too! Talk about one for the ages, huh?


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