Friday, January 16, 2009

The Rim-Shots Go On

Word about town, folks, is that, after 16 years of Bill Clinton (he, who can't keep his pants on) and George W. Bush (he, who can't even pronounce nuclear) as President, comedians en masse will enter a despondency (a dry-spell, if you will). Well, guess what, all you guys, I actually have some decent news for you. Two words - 1) Joe 2) Biden.........................................................I mean, don't get me wrong here. I kind of like Joe Biden. Hell, I even went as far as to support him in the early days of the nominating process (preferring Hillary, ultimately). I respect his knowledge of foreign affairs, especially (though, yes, he is batting 0 for 2 regarding Iraqi conflicts; opposing the first Gulf War, supporting the second). I also respect the man's bluntness/honesty. But, yes, in terms of being a character and a gaffe machine, I think that the comedians of the world will find him quite accommodating, indeed........................................................Of course, if the Obama team decides to keep Mr. Biden "under wraps", then, clearly, that will represent an entirely different story (the seemingly well-adjusted Obama not being all that funny, apparently). Here's to hoping that the future V.P. is given more than funerals to attend.....................................................P.S. This is not to imply that ALL of Biden's humorous moments are gaffes, point to his buffoonishness, etc.. Some of them in fact are quite intentional - the guy apparently having a wit and a sense of humor, to boot. In fact, folks, that was another reason why I liked him early on.


  1. "Of course, if the Obama team decides to keep Mr. Biden "under wraps", then, clearly, that will represent an entirely different story"

    Biden spoke on the train trip yesterday - you Will=o seem to be consumed with parinoia

  2. Yeah and didn't the Obamanation say something about forgoing ideology?

    I wonder if he's talking about HIS ideology or OURS?

  3. My only points are that 1)Biden has significantly more gaffe potential than Obama and 2)comedians should be definitely taking heart in this. No partisan point was being made.

  4. Except by the poster above you.

  5. Voltron is a conservative. I'm a moderate. You're apparently a liberal. The last time that I checked, there was room enough in this galaxy for all of us.


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