Sunday, January 25, 2009

Oh, the Humanity!

In terms of politics, yeah, I guess you could say that I'm a little different from other voters. This, I'm saying, in that I never really felt that burning need to fall in love with the people I vote for. And, no, for the most part, neither have I usually felt the need to hate the people I oppose. I don't know, I think it all probably boils down to a realization that the vast percentage (99.44%, lets's say) of these fellows (women, too, of course) are essentially a mixed bag. And when I say essentially all of them, I absolutely mean it - ALL OF THEM; Lincoln, FDR, JFK, Ike, and, yes, even the great Barack Obama. I guess what I'm trying to say here, folks, is that when in fact I pull that lever for someone, it's basically one person....having the "edge" over the other, me picking the lesser of the two evils, etc............................................................This, of course, is not to say that I never develop a high regard for people. I do. But 1) they tend NOT to be politicians (enter, please, Garbo and Clift, Smetana, Morisot, et. al.) and 2) when I do develop a liking for them, I prefer that they actually have accomplished something first. Something impressive, preferrably.........................................................P.S. And, no, folks, I'm not including here victories over that idiot/douche-bag, Alan Keyes. That completely DOESN'T impress me (what a freak of nature that frigging lunatic is, huh - Alan Frigging Keyes!!)


  1. And twit Willy thinks that most of the rest of us are not also "pulling that lever" for the lesser of two evils?

    Put that ego away little Willy... It's what America has been doing for generations and exactly why negative campaigning works.
    Yes even this time it worked.

  2. Can you make the point without the ad hominems? There were many, MANY, people who turned this past election into some sort of clear-cut dichotomy between good and evil. And it that that I was addressing. That and the idiotic partisanship of the blogosphere.

  3. Ah, I see Anon is back. Hello! Do you have a name?

    I admire your pragmatism, Will. I do have politicians who I, hmmm... call it admire greatly. Senator Boxer, our Attorney General (ex-Mayor of Oakland, ex-Governor, hopefully Governor again...) Jerry Brown, and, Joe Biden.

    Now, Jerry Brown isn't Mr. Personable. He's kind of curmudgeonly, but he's been great for California. He was governor prior to our two-term limit law, we Californians may elect him again.

    He is the first governor in the country to install wind power (in the 70s), refused to live in the Gov.'s mansion because he felt it was too expensive for the taxpayers opting for an apartment across the street from the Capitol and walking to work. In the 70s, he wanted to install satellite communications in all state offices so state workers wouldn't waste gas ("Governor Moonbeam", and he told FedEx that they couldn't build a plant in Oakland unless it was 80% solar powered.

    I'll cap it off: he's currently fighting passage of Prop 8 as unconstitutional, going up against Ken Starr. LOL, I can't wait to see Brown destroy Starr.

    And, I know Railroad Joe "plagiarized a law review article for a paper he wrote in his first year at law school" and borrowed a "British politician's campaign speech." But I think he'll be good for this country. He ain't perfect, but he's far and away the lesser of two evils when you match him against Palin.

    As far as Senator Boxer goes, I only know I admire her record. Have you heard the gavel story?

    Sorry, I'm all over the place today. I agree there's precious few good politicians. But, there are a few. And, yes, to me this group is a good one.

  4. You come from a good place, Stella. And you're always willing to give fair creedence to others. You can't really ask for much more than that. As for Mr. Biden, yeah, he's O.K.? I just happen to like his wife a little bit better. LOL

  5. You have excellent taste, Will. Dr. Jill has established reading foundations for children, three breast cancer centers, and a support group for women of veterans.

    Surprisingly, Right Pundits has a non-partisan quick read with some great links.

  6. "And twit Willy thinks that most of the rest of us are not also "pulling that lever" for the lesser of two evils?"

    Actually according to Sad Sack (Brian Williams) and NBC this is the first time in a generation we did NOT pull the lever for the lesser of two evils...

    I must say, I agree.


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