Friday, January 23, 2009

Violin Tuning 101

I'm probably the only person in the world who hasn't developed a strong opinion about Ann Coulter. This, I'm saying, in that I neither worship the chick NOR despise her. I mean, sure, a lot of what she says is substantially less than gracious, to say the least. But, folks, think about it, she's basically a cartoon character! Why should what she says make me any angrier than the stuff that Louie DePalma said, the stuff that Carla Tortelli said, the stuff that Eric Cartman continues to say (shut up, Token, ya' black ass-hole!!), etc.?...............................................................And the fact that she WANTS us to talk about her, folks. Me - I'm totally convinced that that's why she continues to be amping it up the way she is. The more she amps it up, the more we frigging talk about her. The more we talk about her (any publicity is good publicity - a truism, in her case), the more those silly little books of hers go flying out the door. I mean, talk about a racket, huh? And we're all frigging falling for it, too - hook, line, and proverbial sinker. Now THAT (to use a popular term of the day) is a Ponzi scheme!!


  1. LOL, Will. You're absolutely right. Ignoring her is the right thing to do. I do have a strong, unflattering opinion of her, but the less I think of her vicious, ignorant comments, the happier I'll be.

  2. I have a theory about her, Stella. I actually think that a lot of it may be shtick (with her laughing all the way to the bank). I don't know, it's just that some of it is so over the top that I really can't believe that even she believes half of it. I could be wrong, obviously.

  3. Will, you may be right. She may have fooled as all. What if she's a closet liberal?

  4. Will is afraid of the truth


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