Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rats, Rat-Holes, and Sinking Ships

Let me just say, folks, while I usually tend NOT to align myself with former speaker Gingrich, he has in fact been making some sense to me lately. This, I'm saying, in that, yes, I saw him on this cable news show (it might have been Hannity's - I don't remember) recently and he uttered this rather incredible statement: "Hank Paulsen is the worst Secretary of State in U.S. history." I SHIT YOU NOT!..............................................................I mean, seriously, folks, how frigging right on the money is THAT? This, I'm saying, what in the hell else WOULD you call a guy who took 350 BILLION dollars of tax-payer money, promised to do one thing with it (which was also probably moronic but, clearly, I digress) and ended up doing something completely different with it? And the fact that even HE didn't know where the money was going. I don't know about you guys out there, but I think that this Paulsen should be drawn and quartered. Hey, maybe Bill O'Reilly might be willing to do it. He seems to have a fondness for that type of thing.

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