Saturday, January 10, 2009

Strange Bedfellers

As sad as it is to say, folks, C.C. herself had taken it just as hardy - straight up the poop-shoot, etc.. And even as those ner do wells had previously proven to me, damned if that wasn't her own pride/wretchedness purifying exceptionally. Of course, the fact that each and every one of those beer-bellied bozos was in fact decrepit (some even going as far as to kiss her, for Christ!), such was the end-result predictable - thoroughly numb and then some, too, for Christ!


  1. More word salad gibberish from an ignoramus

  2. Delusional ignoramous ... about fits this sad sack of crap and his waste of band width.

  3. Will, pardon my ignorance, but who is C.C.? This is an intriguing post.

    Oh, I see your anonymous friend is back. Now, isn't "salad gibberish" gibberish? Only an ignorant coward comments, then refuses to step into the light to stand by their statements.

  4. Hi Stella. I'm assuming that this fellow is either Clif or one of his "associates". I don't know exactly what their beef is. Perhaps I disagreed with them a couple of times. Apparently they don't like that. Hell, didn't they/he call you a right-winger, too? LOL As for this piece, C.C. is one of the dark, southern gothic characters I came up with about 15 years ago. It represents nothing but pure self indulgence on my part (though, yes, I'm flattered by your intrigue). Hey, I'll see you over at double-m's. I'm heading over there now, actually.

  5. Hey Will Stella, Voltron........I posted this over at Lydia's and didnt get any comments, i'll repost it here.............i'm curious about your opinions of the Madoff tragedy.

  6. Its absolutely criminal the way the government is handling the Madoff fraud.................rewarding the ignorant and punishing the the intelligent and successful is granted this is a tragedy and everyone is a victim and I feel compassion for EVERYONE that was robbed and taken advantage of by Madoff.

    BUT to make those that took their money out of Madoff's ponzi scheme fund 6 years ago or more to be divided up among all the victims equally is I could see making those that pulled their money out 6 months ago or less like they had inside info from Madoff give back their money to be divided up equally..................but to unjustly punish the intelligent ones that pulled their money out over 6 years ago because they were smart enough to realize Madoff was a fraud, or that they could make better returns elsewhere or that wanted to keep their money safe after the Bush recession of 2001, or that needed the money for a family or personal emergency have to pay their money back to compensate the victims who where ignorant or too lazy to do their due dilligence is insane.

    Like I said I feel for ALL the victims this is a tragedy and they deserve our compassion and help.................but to punish the ones that made the right and intelligent decision and protected themselves or that were forced to withdraw money because of a hardship or emergency is sickening.

  7. Just came here from MM's. Yeah, they called me a right-winger. LMAO. I just posted my polichart.

    The idea of CC intrigues me. Part of a goth book? That would be interesting.

    Mike, WSJ has an entire section devoted to the Madoff mess, as well as his victims. I definitely need to dig deeper into this one.

    How do these crooks get in these positions? Yes, to punish those who had the foresight to get out is inexcusable. I don't have a lot of knowledge on this subject, so thanks for writing about it.

    More disturbing still is that Madoff is one of many: another Keating.

  8. Can you prove anyone called Stella a right winger Will?

    While yer at it, hows about proving the "they" you refer to is more than one person, you flip flop more than John Kerry or John McCain son first you say all the posts are a guy named Clif then you keep saying "they", how many sides of yer mouth do yuo talk oughta son?

  9. "word salad gibberish"

    is a phrase invented by Will the masterbater

  10. Clif, are you saying that Stella and I are BOTH lying? Of course, I can prove it. As for your other concern, Clif, please, allow me to clarify THAT for you, too. I'm assuming that these anonymous comments are all by you. On that slight chance that I'm wrong, then it would probably have to be Bartlebee. Mike, I don't envision him as a sock-puppet guy. If he has something to say, he has no qualms about using his own name to say it. I suppose it could be that 1138 fellow. While not quite as crazy as you are half the time, the guy is at least border-line. I still think it's you, though, bro.

  11. I have to confess, Mike, that, like Stella, I haven't been tracking this story all that closely. I will say this, though. If this bastard is in fact guilty of this stuff, then he should NEVER, EVER see the light of day again. And, yeah, I'd put him in with all the rest of the bank robbers. This, I'm saying, in that while he didn't use a gun to perpetrate his crimes, he might as well have.


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