Sunday, September 7, 2008

Worst Faces Forward

It's sad to say, folks, but I think that Fox and MSNBC BOTH need to be chastised for their convention coverage. This, I'm saying, in that at least from what I could tell, both of these increasingly partisan enterprises were using partisan ramrods as moderators/hosts. On Fox, for example, damned if I didn't see a great deal of Sean Hannity - his level of circling-the-wagons apparently as unparalleled as ever. Unparalleled, that is, save perhaps for Keith Olbermann, MSNBC's liberal host/hatchet-man. Yeah, you got it, he was "moderating" over there. Hannity and Olbermann - and, yes, they were both "liberally" interjecting their sarcasm, snide comments, etc., editorializing, for Christ, throughout the frigging convention. How pathetic, huh?...........................................Thankfully, folks, CNN seems to be resisting this form of slanted journalism/coverage. Of course, being that they're also languishing in third-place, who the hell even knows how long that's going to last. Talk about an indictment on us.


  1. Will the part about her being a pentacostal are untrue. She once was but moved to the Wasilla Bible Church 6 years ago because the AOG had become "too extreme" for her.

    From that bastion of conservatism the New Yuck Times...

    "One of the musical directors at the church, Adele Morgan, who has known Ms. Palin since the third grade, said the Palins moved to the nondenominational Wasilla Bible Church in 2002, in part because its ministry is less “extreme” than Pentecostal churches like the Assemblies of God, which practice speaking in tongues and miraculous healings."

  2. Just more slander. Ignore them.

    They don't like this woman being so conservative, so their out to destroy her kids and entire family.

    Watch what the backlash does to her standing in the polls.

  3. Have you noticed that I'm trying to be reasonable with them? It doesn't seem to be working. Bartlebee and Mike are from the same zygote, I think. I mean, I have some differences with the Governor, too. But there is no way I will demonize for it. I won't go there.

  4. LOL, Have you noticed I've ALWAYS at least TRIED to be reasonable with them? Didn't work for me either.

    Interesting though, I'm called a "liar" for my beliefs, AND "stupid".

    Now IF I'm simply "stupid" I must not be lying, OR IF I'm a "liar" trying to cover up something I know is damaging to conservatism, then I'm not "stupid"...

  5. Bart the Bible Scholar™, is also berating religion for teaching creationism and for sticking to the tenets and doctrines they believe god wants and/or said.

    What does it say about Bart that he feels the word of god should conform to the will of man?

    If you actually believe, shouldn't man conform to the will of god?

  6. ROTFLMAO!!!

    I was wondering how long it'd take before Barty denounced you as a liar...

    (not laughing at you Will, just Bart's predictability)

    Bart really does try to get along with people but they keep lying to him by telling him they disagree with his positions. (since he's always right he KNOWS that deep down inside they do, they just won't admit it)

  7. Did mean old bart make ya cry?

    Did dolt make ya feel better will?

    That's good cause we don't want to see a grown man like you cry will.

  8. I belonged to a Pentecostal church for several years...I think this qualifies me to comment. I never heard war or Jihad preached from the pulpit. The Pastor and the parishoners were genuinely concerned about helping those poor in substance and spirit...This is not to say I agreed with the church on everything. This is yet another case of extremists being held up as representative of an entire denomination. Believers and non-believers alike would reasonably condemn what the extremists are saying. I don't think it's fair to tar a whole group for the actions of a few...

    A surgeon uses a scalpel not a club to remove diseased tissue...
    It truly saddens me at how mean spirited people have become, even those who for the most part, I agree with politically.

  9. Hey Marcus,

    How about at LC's we just remove the GOOD part with a scalpel and beat whatever's left with a club?

  10. Excellent commentary, Marcus. I tried to say something similar over there but was shouted down. Yes, Voltron, that's quite a list. Plenty for them to work off of. Look, I have some disagreements with Governor Palin, too. But I can address them without shredding her religion, shitting on her family, for Christ, or chastising her for being a hunter. So, I suppose they really took a shit on me today, huh? I just got done with a 10 hour day and haven't had a chance to check out the wolf pack attack. Probably pointless to, huh?

  11. Hey Clif, that's an interesting piece from the New York Times, wouldn't you say? There's more to life than heaven and earth, apparently. And, come on, man, you and I can get along. I have a good sense for it. Let's try and put the emotionalism aside and have some good discourse - you, me, Voltron, Marcus, whoever.

  12. And another thing, Clif, I hope you noticed that I was the one who conducted himself appropriately in that debate with Bartlebee. He was the one who took things into the gutter. I hope that Lydia noticed, too.

  13. Clif, I hope you noticed that I was the one who conducted himself appropriately in that debate with Bartlebee.

    Wrong me-"bucko", you SLANDERED all veterans BOTH ACTIVE AND RETIRED with your drivel.

    bart was trying to explain that to you, and why anybody who claims to be a Christan CAN'T preach for war from the pulpit.

    For some reason you seem NOT to want to understand that point.

  14. Clif, Clif, Clif. He was smearing not just the person in the pulpit but everyone in the church. And it was Lydia who got the ball rolling but taking a cheap shot at Pentacostals IN GENERAL. People go to a certain church for a lot of reasons,and in spite of a lot of others. If Sarah Palin is saying things that you find troublesome, take HER on. If you don't like what her pastor is saying, take HIM on. My initial barb was to take on Lydia for overgeneralizing. Look, all specific religions look strange to an outsider. Hell, they all look peculiar to me. And, yes, Bartlebee said that ALL pre-1970 Mormons were racist. My point was to say that, if you're going to be that inclusive/encompassing, you also have to be consistent as regards to other organizations. Are all practising Catholics sexist because the church discriminates against women? Are all service members bigoted against homosexuals because the military discriminates against homosexuals? Is every person who attended a Southeastern Conference school in the '60s a bigot because those schools refused to allow blacks to attend. Was every U.S. citizen in 1789 a bigot because they allowed themselves to live in a country where blacks, women, and Native Americans weren't allowed to vote? You see what I'm saying, Clif? The answer to ALL these questions is obviously NO!!! My point to Bartlebee was simply that he needed to be a little more targeted in his rage. That's all. P.S. Please, read this carefully before responding. I think that, if you do, you might even sense that there's a germ of a point here. Thank you.

  15. Still SMEARING the patriotic Americans who did something YOU and your BBF Voltron NEVER did eh Will?

    Signed up and SERVED their country ...why do YOU hate the troops so much?

  16. You seem to attack veterans individually and in groups on your blog and also seem to encourage those that do ........ why do YOU hate the troops so much will?

  17. I think that, if you do, you might even sense that there's a germ of a point here.

    Yes, your absolute STUBBORNNESS to EVER admit your wrong in this debate.

  18. BTW I posted this commentary at LC's...I think it got deleted...

  19. You obviously missed my entire point, Clif. As for me, I judge people as individuals. I respect everybody's service (well, unless they commit a war crime or something). And I respect veterans, too - unless, of course, they act unbecoming, treat me with disrespect, etc.. I'm not going to give people carte blanch to piss upon me and others just because they once had a uniform on. Sorry, but that's just how I feel.

  20. Clif, seriously, I'm trying to be more understanding of you. You've obviously had a rough go of it and your story is a compelling one. But if you don't try and meet even a little of the way, it's going to be hard. And, no, I'm not going to shit on Votron to prove myself. He's a friend and I don't do that to friends.

  21. Sorry will but screech and piss all ya want,

    BUT comparing the empty headed religions of some with service in the military and using that comparison to slander veterans .... well you are almost as low Duncetron as is at this point.

  22. "I respect veterans, too"


  23. It wasn't a comparison to slander veterans/the military (though, yes, I'm a harsh critic of the military's "don't ask/don't tell" policy). It was an attempt to show what shaky-ground/a slippery-slope this Bartlebee character was on with his rather blanket set of indictments. And Lydia coming straight out of the gait, making fun of Pentecostals like she did. It really came across as unseemly to me. Just my opinion, Clif. Not setting it in stone or anything.

  24. It wasn't a comparison to slander veterans/the military too bad every one but YOU and the pink pajama circle jerk crowd don't see it that a way son.

    You claim NOT to be intending to slander veterans,

    BUT when veterans tell ya you are;


    and do it again and again.

    Are ya that thick or just that stubborn?

  25. My point, Clif, was that you SHOULDN'T tar all veterans as prejudiced againgst gay people, just beacause the policy of the military is discriminatory, just like you SHOULDN'T tar all pre-1970 Mormons as prejudiced against black people, just because the church's policy was discriminatory. I was saying that you SHOULDN'T generalize in either example. Am I thick or stubborn? I'm probably a little bit of both. But, in this case, I think I know what I meant.

  26. Am I thick or stubborn? I'm probably a little bit of both.

    No son a lot .....

    But, in this case, I think I know what I meant.

    good cause the rest of us are trying to figure out what you mean by your monkey typing half the time.

  27. "I'm not going to give people carte blanch to piss upon me and others just because they once had a uniform on. Sorry, but that's just how I feel."

    Nope, but you expect, no DEMAND carte blanc to piss on us - just because we had a uniform on.

    Sorry Will, but I can't and won't let you off the hook on where you went and what you did.

    I don't know Cliff, Dolt or any of your other "buddies" but the attack you made on me was without warrant, and without cause.

    When I see you make weasel noises like you just did in this thread it is an outrage I won't let silently pass.
    You need to accept the fact of your actions and behaviors and start dealing with them.
    I didn't lord it over you with my military background and use it to piss on you - but you went off base and have yet to get it through your head that you did.

  28. I piss on you "just because you had a uniform on"? That is a bald-faced lie and you're a God damned liar. My problems with you have nothing, NOTHING, to do with the fact that you were a military man. My problems with you stem instead from the fact that you're an arrogant, condescending piece of partisan gargbage. And you frigging started it, cap'n. Even before I gave you that shot about having a MENTAL disability (yeah, I picked up a little paranoia in your rants), you accused me of using racism, called me an unthinking person, and said that I had slimed your branch of the service. And since then, you have accused of lying about my resume and have consistently profered that my experiences are simply not "equal" to yours. Haven't lorded your military record over me? Give me a frigging break. You constantly site your service/the fact that it gives you an advantage over your truly regarding the issues. Trust me, fellow, you could be a garbage collector and I still wouldn't respect you.

  29. My problems with you stem instead from the fact that you're an arrogant, condescending piece of partisan gargbage.

    A little projection there eh cap'n

  30. A childish response replete with psychoanalytic still a childish response. Very weak. Very, very weak.

  31. Keep it up Will every time you implode like that you just make it all the clearer.

  32. On military matters you experience doesn't touch mine and when you blow off the difference between Air Force and Nave and refuse to correct your mistake, refuse to accept your use of one as the other as a form of insult you show a depth of insult that belies your claim of education.
    I'm not saying, and didn't say you didn't say you didn't go to school I'm saying you express yourself poorly, limit your display of thought and that appears that you are an unthinking person and that Bar would be the unthining persons choice.
    You should really STOP distorting peoples words and conducting your petty little acts of slander, a man of your background, position and education should know better.

    Garbage Will?
    I suggest you seek some help you seem to target and make a lot of people you encounter as something subhuman or non human.

    You are not a well man.

  33. A childish response replete with psychoanalytic still a childish response. Very weak. Very, very weak.

    Well, as somebody stated above;

    .... you frigging started it, cap'n.

  34. More bald-faced lies from a veteran. 1) I didn't "blow-off" the difference between ANYTHING! It was an honest late night mistake, fellow (planes, he was flying planes, Air Force must have come to mind). 2)I DID acknowledge the mistake. "Thank you for the correction", is what I specifically said. Check the thread. 3) You absolutely doubted my credentails, implied that I was lying about them, etc.. Check the thread on that one, too. You even falsely accused me of saying that I had SIX college degrees (how 'bout a correction on that one?). 4) You don't like Barr. That's fine. That's your opinion. But to call somebody who is contemplating voting for him because he is totally dissatisfied with the 2 major party lunk-heads (Bush-lite and Uber-Bush) an "unthinking person", that's a tar job, dude, condescendingly and idiotically beyond the pale. I mean, a lot of people have implied that voting for Obama is an unthinking act (words to that effect). I'm not one of them, though. They're entitled to their opinion (as long as they don't slime him or his family), too.

  35. You don't know me from shinola, pal. And, really, instead of providing mental health advice for others, you might want to do a little shop cleaning yourself; monitor the persecution complex, etc.. The "racism gun", what a jerk.

  36. Sorry son if your a little touchy,

    YOU set that one up junior.

  37. Sorry Clif. I didn't know that you were the anonymous blogger. I would have played nicer if I had.

  38. Will play them as ya see them, boy;

    it's how the great game is played,

    but for some reason you always seem to be the set up

    not the one who delivers the punch line .........

  39. It's an important job, Clif, being the set-up man. That's why they called them Laurel AND Hardy.

  40. Given your posts about the number of failed dates, you should be used to being the set up guy, eh will?

  41. Clif, I was married to one woman for 14 years. She died from Neurofbromatosis and brain cancer. Is that one of the "failed dates" you're referring to?

  42. No son because UNTIL now you had not posted about,

    but nice try at the sympathy cry baby comment son.

    sucks to get back what you gave eh boy?

  43. Wow, Clif, you are one mean-spirited crazy mother-fucker. "Sucks to get back what you gave ey boy?" Clif, I've been trying to be patient with/nice to you lately. I know that you have some sort of mental disabitity (probably an off-shoot of your time in the service) and, because of that, I'm trying to show some compassion. But you're making it hard, man. Just for the record, my mother died 6 days ago. Care to make a joke about that one, too?

  44. Sorry Bozo but your tear jerk cries here are crap son,

    after all YOU decided to attack people quite a few son,

    YOU seemed to enjoy sliming people who did ABSOLUTELY not a fucking thing to you,

    And NOW like the gutless pussy you are, you cry like the punk you have always been,

    so FUCKIN' deal with it skippy.

  45. Clif, I've already been in third grade but, yes, if this is in some way therapeutic for you, by all means, persist.

  46. Don't need therapy son, I feel fine.

    YOU however seem a little off and real quick to attack those who did nothing.

    Oh and besides being a WATB ...


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