Saturday, September 6, 2008

Raining Hypocrisy

How is it, folks, that a women still gets questioned when she tries to balance motherhood and a career? I mean, I had thought that those antiquated notions were a thing of the past (had hoped so, anyway). Well, apparently, they're not. Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin (on the liberal blogs, no less) - she, specifically, has had to undergo a bevy of second-guessing. Folks are either saying that her job performance will suffer....or that her family in fact will. It's like, come on, when was the last time a man (a male politician, specifically) was ever scrutinized like that? I mean just look to the fact that Barack Obama has two young kids and he's never faced these questions. Of course, the fact that Obama is a Democrat, in addition to being a man, that has probably been to his advantage as well. Talk about a shifting standard, huh?..........................................And, yes, folks, those shifting standards can work both ways. I seem to recall, for instance, that when Obama was considering Governor Tim Kaine of Virginia for HIS Vice President, a lot of the conservative pundits (Karl Rove, I'm pretty sure, was one of them) were quick to point out HIS lack of experience; Governor for only a year and a half, mayor of a "small " town (in this case, Richmond, a CITY of approximately 200,000). I mean, granted, he doesn't look as good in a pants-suit but, still, it's the same frigging resume as Palin's, for Christ! That was then....and this is now, I'm guessing................................................P.S. Ironic, though, isn't it, about the Palin situation? I mean, wasn't it the conservatives who initially said that women with kids SHOULDN'T work, that they should stay at home with the youngsters, period? Talk about confusing, huh?

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