Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Old Demons Die Hard

O'Reilly, though, while he has in fact been seeming a tad more fair of late, damned if he still doesn't show those older (truer?) colors from time to time. Take, for instance, one of his recent segments on John Edwards's extra-marital affair. While he went out of his way to try and not hit Edwards too hard on this, damned if he didn't use the opportunity, too, to bring up that old feud he had with Edwards on homeless veterans. And he continued to lie about the whole thing.............................................For those of you who don't remember/didn't know, O'Reilly initially denied that there were 200,000 (?) homeless veterans. Then, when he could no longer do this (the evidence was undeniable), he changed the subject to say that, yes, there WERE homeless veterans....but only because they were mentally ill and/or addicted (never mind the fact that the wars in which they fought in maybe caused these problems)................................................And, then, of course, there was the whole thing with the "bridge"; Edwards saying that there was a bridge near New Orleans with homeless vets under it, O'Reilly saying that there wasn't, O'Reilly being wrong but never admitting to it, etc..............................................It's like, what the hell is wrong with this guy, O'Rielly? It seems like he's never been able to leave bad enough alone. The same thing with those racial comments he made; saying that he was "surprised" by the good behavior of black people. He still maintains that he never said THAT, either - this, I'm saying, despite the existence of transcripts, despite the existence of film-clips, etc.. I mean, seriously, if you're not going to make the correction, fine, but don't keep bringing this stuff up - ad infinitude. That's just plain stupid, I'm thinking.

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