Friday, September 5, 2008

The Complete/Unabridged List of People That the Idiot, Alan Keyes, Could Conceivably Defeat in an Election - Any Election!

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  1. Will email that list to the Republican Party of Illinois, they didn't seem to get that memo back in 2004.

  2. All they really needed to do was watch his short-lived TV show on MSNBC; "Alan Keyes is Making (Non)Sense". That surely should have been evidence enough that this guy is wack.

  3. Not to many people on the right half of the republican party will, they don't see him as a wack, THEY AGREE WITH HIM.

  4. So, Clif, the fact that I don't agree with him, is that enough to get my moderate cred back?

  5. Will if you NEED my approval over the Internet, I can't help you.

  6. You do make good points from time to time, Clif.

  7. Yeah but a big floppy hat would hide 'em...

  8. Oh and Marcus,

    Sorry if I painted with a big brush in the other thread but believe it or not you are one of the few exceptions to the rule.

    The majority of the ones making all the noise and ruckus are just like Cliffy here.

  9. What's the matter volt too many FACTS for ya at LC so you run HERE?

    Couldn't understand the BP website?

    Had to cut and run again

    Nothing left but limp comments?

    Is it really that bad for the GOP this year?

  10. AND...(you knew there was another shoe about to drop right?)

    The few liberals who honestly care about people for more than what their demographic can do for power base are wrong about using the federal government for social justice or welfare.

    If you believe in the concept of the rugged individual, (and I do) by giving people a safety net you give way too many a hammock.

    They quit depending on themselves and begin to depend on others. You destroy their natural support network and their self esteem.

    The cultural decay we're seeing now may have been inevitable with the explosion of technology in the past few decades, but it was given a BIG boost by FDR and the raw deal.

    I have no qualm with helping individuals through a temporary rough period but the federal government is the very LAST place you should look, and it shouldn't be a permanent solution. Family, Friends, charitable organizations both private and religious, local and state aid should be looked at first.

    But by adding more and more entitlement programs makes people dependent on them and is a way for liberals and democrats to increase their base, influence and control.

    It's a slippery slope to socialism, communism and then dictatorship.

  11. Did you finally figure out what you were going to be arguing about Clif?

    Is it the left wing media?, or maybe my numbers for the size of Wasilla?, or is it about oil?

    And no, I'm not running. I AM going to bed. I just checked in here because I hadn't yet and owed Will a visit.

    And believe me it isn't a surplus of facts at LC's. More like a dearth.

  12. Thanks for the words Volt:

    I think your comments given below should be the real basis of the debate...not the trite jingoism we are spoon fed 24/7.

    As a Liberal, I would argue that indivualism is fine but it should not and can not be the solution to everything. Fact is there are things that we as individuals can not do on our own...Concern for the common good while a tricky concept is not necessarilly Communist...sometimes the needs of the many DO outweigh the needs of the few or the one...(Sorry Spock.) If the government can't support a fair and just society, who will? That famous document that inspires many begins, WE the people...not I the Individual. Our nation, our society does have an identity that exceeds the mere expression of individual interest...Here the sum is greater than the individual parts...

    We can't build roads, infrastructure or schools by ourselves. Very sucessful people (i.e. the "rich".) get that way because of dependence on that very same infrastructure, and yet it benefits all...Having a solid infastructure, educational system serves the needs of ALL and yet benefits the rich...this is clearly a case of the "common good" being in the best interests of the well-to-do...

    Weather we like it or not, we get old and sick. We need help that maybe freinds/family can't or are unable to provide...I seen too many individuals who have saved and worked productively all their lives lose everything at the end. (Title 19 anyone?)

    Access to health care should be a right not a priviledge...too many people WITH health insurance, wind up going bankrupt anyway. In my mind, this a case where the simple mechanism of the marketplace is insufficient to resolve a matter in the public interest.

    The marketplace is fine and should operate in matters of ordinary concern, but ultimately the marketplace is a mechanism. A mechanism does not solve problems, people do...I would never argue for the removal of the marketplace. And where the market place alone is insufficient, then We The People step forward.

    Please forgive the inane ramblings of a "Bleeding Heart"..I guess I better stop...I would not want to write a book on Will's site. More on this later. Stay well Voltron.


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