Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Newer the Breed, the Older the Bull-Shit

I don't know, folks, it looks as if Sarah Palin might be suffering a tad from what Slade Leeds likes to call Obamaitis. Obamaitis? In a nut-shell, that's when a politician (more often than not, one that's new to the public-eye) tries to present him/herself as a new sort/breed of politician - not just in his or her views, mind you, but in the way that he or she goes about their business, too..............................................So, in this case, just like Obama said that he WOULD take the public funds....and then didn't, said that he WOULDN'T play the race-card....and then kind of did, tinkered with his views to make them more palatable to a new constituency (FISA, drilling, the war, etc.), we apparently have Palin showing that she, too, is a tad on the pedestrian side. She says that she opposed that dreaded "Bridge to Nowhere"....when she initially supported it (Alaska eventually keeping every penny of the money). She's acting like she's always supported McCain's candidacy....when she obviously hasn't. And the woman's under investigation, for Christ! None of this at all sounds new and different to me.................................................Oh well, I guess it's comforting to know that Obamaitis isn't a discriminating disease, doesn't confine itself to one particular political party, etc.. I mean, think about it. You can only stare into that sun for so long, before it starts to blind you, for Christ!...................................................P.S. Talk about a cautionary tale/important point for everybody, huh? Seriously, it's almost enough to make you want to lose your own frigging pedestal, first - even before you need to, I'm saying. Well, unless, of course, you "lean" in the direction of Sassy's, big time. That, unfortunately, makes it a pisser/far more difficult choice to fracture. I mean, just ask frigging Leeds, for Christ! He'll tell you. Damn square, he'll tell you.

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