Saturday, September 13, 2008

Rorschach Tests Available, Pick 'Em Up at Sassy's

Obama was a "community organizer". We're hearing a lot about that lately, folks. And, yes, I suppose it is in fact supposed to signify....something. But what, though? To his supporters, it evidently validates what a selfless, altruistic, socially-conscious, service-oriented, community-first hero that they thought he was from the get-go. His adversaries, though - they, on the other hand, see this phase of Obama's career strictly in terms of him padding his resume (a part of the plan, in other words), a means to make political connections, and are suspicious of the term, community organizer, in general - a suggestion that it's somehow ad-hoc/bureaucratic, that it lacks accountability, etc............................................As for me, I have no idea WHAT to make of it. On the one hand, it sounds to his credit that Obama, instead of going after the big bucks in some high-powered law firm, would prefer to work with regular folks in the community. But, if he did it just to further his political aspirations (and, no, we can't get inside his head either way here), I probably wouldn't see it quite so favorably. I don't know, I guess it's just like anything else. You have to examine the record (what he actually did/didn't do) and, then, make a determination. As of now, not having had the time to do such an exhaustive research, analyze the data, etc., I'm afraid that I'm not going to be able to respond as viscerally as some of the others have. Sorry 'bout that.


  1. It's easy Will,

    Obama = Jesus.
    Palin = Lowly Roman Governor.

    Obviously I don't think the comparison holds any water, but if they want to extrapolate that to the conclusion, Pilot washed his hands of it and allowed the mob to crucify Jesus.

    So I guess it means Obama is in trouble and Palin isn't going to lift a hand to save him...

  2. Sorry Will,

    What I thought you were referring to was the new left wing talking point making all the rounds:

    "Jesus was a community organizer, and Pontius Pilate was a governor."

    It's been all over the blogs, (even Lydia's) and all the leftie pundits have been repeating it on TV.

  3. "Jesus was a community organizer, and Pontius Pilate was a governor."

    It seems to be the historical fact, ...... but then again you two clowns don't do the fact do ya

  4. In April of this year, Senator McCain made a pledge not to run the typical dirty campaign. In my opinion , he has not lived up to this pledge. Karl Rove runs his campaign and we see the results.

    Obama served in his community and he did not have to. He had his law degree and could have just joined the rat race like everyone else. In spite of this he gets NO credit...none.I find it extremely cynical that one would suggest that Obama was only motivated by his personal political ambitions without regard for the community he served in. McCain and Palin have either personally or through surrogates (like Guilliani) denigrated Community ussual with the broad brush paint an unflattering picture and thus denigrate the occupation and ALL those who care for their communities. This I see as typical callous political partisianship at its very worst. Thise who support Obama are not saying he is Jesus...this is a blatant exageration. The point is Republicans have insulted Community Organization...the implication has been made that they are ALL self serving skunks. Palin's accomplishments have been trumped up...The metaphor is just a reminder that Jesus served his community and he was definitely not concerned with political ambition...Community Organizers are not bad people. Governors do have to consider politics but I do not consider most bad people...

    Funny thing too, when Obama toured Europe, McCain suggested he was a celebrity, a rock star with nothing to offer. Palin struts out like a rock star and seems to be OK. No elitism here. Hypocrital? Maybe. I dare say that THIS is why our government FAILS us, We The People...our country has divided into 2 camps and we can only watch helplessly as they tear each other down...I am fed up, saddened and sickened...While I would not suggest Democrats are innocent, the Republicans are certainly not playing with clean hands.

  5. I hope it was clear that I wasn't commenting/advocating in either direction here. I was trying to put forth an objective analysis of the way that each partisan side is viewing this. That's all. And, besides, the truth is probably somewhere in between here.

  6. Will:

    My comments were not directed at you...I am just lashing out the talking heads and "analysis"...aparently right now, Palin can do no wrong and Obama can do right...I just see it as appears to me McCain will win now...And with that victory, the repubicans will not be held accountable for the last 8 years. Guess I am just frustrated.

  7. An empty post about your empty head

  8. Actually, if you watch Olbermann and Maddow on MSNBC, it's Palin who can do no right. I guess that they're trying to counter the Fox bozos. But, still, 2 wrongs don't make a right.


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