Monday, September 15, 2008

Holy Hyperbolic Paranoia, Batman

Suffice it to say, though, that Bradley Hadley was himself just as douchely. I mean, just take a gander, folks, to the fact that his was a damned raw idiocy - just as ripe as it was implausible, for Christ! Of course, the fact that his brain was as tiny as a hornet's was, prior to that deluge at Sassy's, so, too, it just might have been a good idea to alter expectations - and to do so accordingly, I'm saying. I mean, seriously, my friends, we all have to take some responsibility, right? RIGHT?


  1. Hey Will,

    Regarding Actors and the like, my personal favorite is Gordon Schumway...

    Ever heard of him?

  2. I think I have heard of him. Contemporary? He doesn't post at LC's does he? LOL Seriously, I haven't been there in a while - not since I got triple teamed that night for defending Pentecostals. And I wasn't even defending ALL Pentecostals. Very frustrating dealing with them.

  3. Well, I'll be damned. I only hope she knows what she's gettin into.

  4. Hey will;

    Hello? If McCain [and George W Bush]Had His Way, That’d Be Our Social Security Money Wall Street is Losing

    about says it all,

    Bush-McCain wanted to play on the Wall Street casino with your Social Security Insurance money, didn’t they just bail out the insurance giant AIG and their Wall Street cronies?

    Who would have bailed out average Americans of Bush-McCain had gotten their way?

  5. A couple of points, Clif; 1) Stocks would be just one of the options. More conservative investors (and those closer to retirement) would more than likely opt for short-term bond funds or C.D.s. Hyper-conservative investors would have the option to stay with the present system (it's VOLUNTARY, Clif). 2)As for younger investors who would choose to go with stock funds, they would have ample time to recoup the dip in the market. I mean, think about it. A 25 year-old person isn't going to be retiring for another 40 years. Unless we become a 3rd world country (in which the presents system would also be worthless), they'll probably have a good nest-egg by then. 3)I'm not necesssarily arguing for Bush's or McCain's plan here. I'm just saying that partial privatization (in some format) might be one of the think-outside-the-box options for keeping the system afloat. I'm also willing to look at raising the retirement age. Not a lot of attractive options here, bro.

  6. YO STUPID it's an INSURANCE Program not investment ... and anybody who wants to can already LOSE money in the markets as they are currently structured, they have yhje right to invest, ther is NO law against it .....

    HOW about debating the INSURANCE aspects of the program numbnuts instead of regurgitating right wing talking points verbatim?

    Or is 1138 actually right;

    I'm saying you express yourself poorly, limit your display of thought and that appears that you are an unthinking person and that Bar would be the unthinking persons choice.

    Do you even know it's an insurance program NOT an investment vehicle son?

    Oh right your just trying to be nonpartisan by regurgitating right wing talking points verbatim.

    Boy are you an idiot, but with this blog you have proved that one in spades son.

  7. Come on, Clif, stop with the insults. Yes, I understand the insurance aspect here. But Social Security can also be interpreted as a whole-life policy that has a cash payout at retirement. Financial planners view this type of "insurance" as an investment. And, Clif, I don't view this as a partisan issue. Remember how Senator Biden was in favor of at least looking at partial privatization (changed his mind after Bush said that he liked the idea, too - Biden was the one acting like the partisan here)? Oh, and, one more time; IT IS VOLUNTARY!!!!! You personally don't have to change a thing, Clif.

  8. "Do you even know it's an insurance program NOT an investment vehicle son?"

    Actually Clif,

    If I don't pay my insurance premiums they just drop my coverage, they DON'T throw me in jail.

    I can also CANCEL my insurance program and go with another company if I so choose.

    Realistically it's an FDR Ponzi scheme. Worked great while there were a whole lot of workers at the bottom of that pyramid paying in.
    (It was REAL nice for the first ones to retire under the program, they practically got a free ride on everyone elses labor)

    Sucks now that the pyramid is being inverted.

    Tell ya what Cliffy boy, YOU tell your dem buddies in congress to forgo THEIR private retirement program and accept Social Security ONLY and I'll give it another look OK?

    While you're at it, tell 'em to quit raiding the nest egg and leaving all those worthless IOU's.

  9. Sorry boys but it still is an insurance program no matter how much you right wing clowns LIE about it.

    BTW dunceron can YOU drive your car or widdle truck, if you don't buy insurance?

    So stuff the fake outrage granny hips ..... and hope that social security is still solvent after the republicans starting with Ronnie the fraud Ray-gun started raiding it.

    Hope that it survives the collapse of Lehman Brothers sinking values on most of Wall Street, including AIG, Merril Lynch, Goldman Sachs, GM Ford, GE Morgan Stanley, Washington Mutual, Wachovia, UBS, Citibank, National city, following on the heals of Enron, Tyco, Worldcom, and of course the bail out of Fannie and Freddie because right wingers don't believe in sensible regulation to stop the casino attitude that has permeated the Wall Street greed since the 1980's with their under-regulated banks which ended up in the tax payer funded savings and loan bailout ....

    Basically the right wing ideology has been shown as bankrupt as a lot of Wall Street is going to be when this is all over. (Three out of five have gone under or sold out right before going under, and the other two are looking around for a like raft.)

  10. "BTW dunceron can YOU drive your car or widdle truck, if you don't buy insurance?"

    Sure can. Fine or jail if caught though.

    And SS was being "raided" LOOONGGG before Reagan was elected hoss.

    And IF I had an alternative, I wouldn't have to worry so much about SS's insolvency either.

    It's OUR money their taking Clif. And giving us a mere 2% return. (maybe, if it's still there) We could do better than that in CD's or Municipal Bonds like Will was saying.

    If it's not good enough for our "servants" why should WE settle for it?

  11. Poor, poor, duncetron your right wing talking points don't seem so on message, just a little more dishonest then usual.

    And SS was being "raided" LOOONGGG before Reagan was elected hoss.

    Since YOU lied about the raiding on Social security son;

    The changes to federal law enacted in 1983 pursuant to the recommendations of the Greenspan Commission increased the Social Security payroll tax so that revenues derived from the tax would exceed the amounts needed to fully fund current benefits, thus causing a reserve to accumulate, which could be drawn upon when necessary. The resulting surplus is accounted for in the Social Security Trust Fund.

    Before 1983 there was NO TRUST fund to raid duncetron, it was directly pay as you go.

    Wanna try another LIE, since lying has worked so well this election season for you right wing clowns

    There was simply NO trust fund which is why Ronald Reagan had Alan Greenspan set up a commission to create one so they could raid it while cutting taxes to the uber-rich,

    in other words the largest bait and switch the country has ever seen..

    Promise to CUT everyones taxes,

    Cut the income tax then RAISE the payroll tax to fund social security, then RAID it to help cover the short fall in the revenues lost when cutting the income taxes of the rich.

    And this bait and switch has been used to bilk the middle class to help pay for the tax cuts of the rich for over two decades.

    Which is why you clowns NOW want to privative it, cause the bills from all the raiding STARTED by Reagan is comin' due soon.

    That and Wall Street needed that money in 2006 to stop the current meltdown THEY had to know was coming ..... seems you clowns are more incompetent then most ever thought.

    and as for a 2% return, well since Bush came to power, Wall street has experienced a negative rate of return on the DOW, S&P500 and NASDAQ, but they would be the ones losing the Social security money right ALSO, now if you idiots had gotten your way in 2005.

  12. "But Social Security can also be interpreted as a whole-life policy "

    No it's an insurance program, wide spread with a minimal return.
    It is not and was never intended as an investment.

  13. No numbnuts it can't be a while life policy because it is NOT life insurance but income insurance, both for your retirement to INSURE you have some retirement income, and in case of disability.

    So as usual your mixing ideas and hoping something makes sense to somebody as delusional as you seem to be.

    Financial planners view this type of "insurance" as an investment.

    You mean the people right now scrambling to save their ass and investments right now?

    Why would they view the program run by the US government as an investment,

    Oh right they want to MAKE MONEY telling you how to invest, and if you LOSE money like people are doing right now, they'll just say that's the market ....

    Good thingie they didn't get to screw up the Social Security Insurance eh widdle will?

  14. Will,stop turning the other cheek with this idiot.His whole gig,along with Mike is name calling.

    Why these two morons are so hate filled is beyond me.

    They've got to be two of the miserable people on earth.

    I feel sorry for their familys having to put up with these two negative bastards.

    Could you imagine sitting down at a dinner table with either of these twits.

  15. Poor, poor, crusty can do anything but complain and LIE ...... eh son?

  16. Now I ask you Klink.When have you ever heard me complain?

    I in fact happen to be quite happy and content with life.

    Perhaps its because I'm not filled with hate for my country,for those who have different views then me,for any former employer and for anyone successful.

    It must really suck to wake up each morning and still be you.

    Does it son?

  17. Crusty most of your posts are complaining about what others do on blogs,

    Jesus H Christ your dumb son.

  18. Or getting all pissy because democrats exist

  19. Back when social security was started, men, the life expectancy was 63 and the retirement age 65. And, like Voltron was saying, the demographics were very much different then. I understand your point about the original intent and all but, guys, sometimes as factors change our paradigm needs to change as well. I mean, the original intent in the Constitution was that only white men could vote. Obviously that needed some upgrading. Maybe you need to have at least an open mind on this one, too.

  20. Rusty is in the house, folks. THIS is going to get interesting. How you doin', man?

  21. Will, hope you dont mide me stopping by on occasion.

    I happened to see Col.Klink posting and you know I just love twisting his tail.

    He is such an easy target.

  22. When you try to reason with Klink or Mike you're assuming their reasonable.

    Oh course SS needs to be revamped,if todays course is continued its going to go broke.The lefts only solution is to raise FICA.

    For the life of me I cant understand why they are so dead set against letting people have a choice where their money goes.

    Klink made some assinine commment how this weeks Dow tumble would have ruined people on SS if the system had been changed.

    I guess he does'nt realize there is'nt a 10 year period since I think the 1920's when the market has'nt risen.

  23. Rusty is in the house, folks. THIS is going to get interesting. How you doin', man?

    Yea crusty did so well with his SHIT for Brains comments at Lydia's yesterday eh will?

  24. Klink,you're a one trick pony,nothing more,nothing less,

    What you know about the market could fit in a thimble with considerable room left over.

    All week you've been on numerous blogs revelling in the markets roller coaster ride and I think taking pleasure from some successful people losing some money,but thats your stock and trade.

    You and you self proclaimed economic expert buddy Mike,yea the one who makes up his own guages on inflation,oil prices,the Dow and numerous others then has the stupidity to actually think others believe him would,in my opinion enjoy watching the country slip into a depression.

    I'd guess you two just have an inert hatred for success,that is a common liberal trait hence the obsessive propensity for wealth redistribution.

  25. "Back when social security was started, men, the life expectancy was 63 and the retirement age 65. "

    That doesn't turn SS into an investment so why change to that tack Will?

    If you mean that SS should change, fine the ages on SS have change, maybe you didn't get the notices, I CERTAINLY DID and I won't be getting SS until long after I was promised it. In fact based on my family history, I probably won't live to draw a penny of it.
    That's the way those tables work - someone dies at one end of the table and someone dies at the other.
    It's an averages game.
    Socail security is a safety net for the average and it is not there to provide you, or anyone else with a comfortable retirement - or a good investment. It's there to provide the last little bit for those with the last little bit.

    Don't like it? Pick up and leave, and I really mean it because you really need to take a long serious look at the way the country was when SS was created - you you Will have not.
    You make little snipes about this little part, or that little part but you forget the starvation in America that was, and will be again if we go back to the old ways. Charity is not what a nation should depend on for the generation that went before or the generations that are to come.
    SS recognises that we got here on the backs of those whe came before us as those who come after us and says we will not discard the old, just as we will not neglect the young.

    Shame on you Will

  26. 1. clif said ...

    Poor, poor, crusty can do anything but complain and LIE ...... eh son?

    2. thereturnofRusty said...

    Now I ask you Klink.When have you ever heard me complain?

    3. thereturnofRusty said...

    Klink,you're a one trick pony,nothing more,nothing less, blah blah blah, cry, sniffle


  27. Neglecting the young, 1138? Most young people I know are in favor of PARTIAL privatization. They're smart enough to know that the system as it is is probably going to fail them and, yes, they want to be able see their money grow more than 2% a year. AND IT'S VOLUNTARY!! Anybody who wants to can stay in the current system (though I'm not sure who would actually want to). Yes, fellow, I know about the depression. I'm not advocating that the New Deal or the Great Society be eliminated (though, yes, certain programs need to re-evaluated from time to time). I'm only saying that we sometimes need to adapt/shift our paradigms a trifle. You know what happens to species/cultures that can't adapt, right?

  28. Hey Rusty. Yeah, you can blog here anytime. The way I see it, that'll mean less bullets from Clif that'll be coming my way. LOL Joke, Clif!! P.S. I told Clif once that I liked your comic timing, the way that you go off on him and Mike, in particular. Boy, did THAT ever put me in the dog-pound. Still there, for Christ!!

  29. Will you ain't in the dog pound fur acting like a dog,

    But fur being a flea on the hind end of a dog.....

  30. Will,you're in Klinks doghouse? A badge of honor my man.

    I agree with 1138,I doubt there is anyone with any sanity who thinks SS is a road to retirement,if anything it may be a supplement to another account.

    Anyone between 25 and 45 today is shit out of luck if they think they will see a dollar from SS if the system remains in its present form.

    The majority of younger americans
    are in favor of an investment option.

    I guess the left just thinks the government is smarter then the average Joe. I mean they've done such a bang up job with the public school system.

    The leftwing loons wont be happy until we are taxed at an 80% rate and everyone is protected cradle to grave,you now the nanny state they all crave.I somehow doubt thats what the founding fathers had in mind.

  31. Hey Clif,

    You know, if you smoked a cigar you'd look like a famous movie star.

    Lassie taking a dump.

  32. Guys, I like Clif. Of course, I also like dry-heaves and getting kicked in the head by a horse. A real glutten for punishment, me-buckos! Mike, though, on the other hand, he's just basically a dick. I don't miss Mike at all.

  33. You want classic Mike,go take a peek at what that crazy bastard is saying on LC.

    He advocating everyone take all their money out of any account they have and more or less bury it in the back yard.

    He feels the Bush government along with the Wall Street titans
    are hatching a plan to raid average americans savings.

    That (in the words of sara)frickin idiot must be suffering from a brain tumor.

  34. The apocalypse is always just around the corner with Mike....and Clif....and Bartlebee....and....Average Patriot. Am I forgetting anybody?

  35. Yo Bozo show me where I said the end is around the corner,

    It is idiots like Palin and her ilk who peddle that trash son,

    You seem a little more delusional then noraml and your quite delusional most of the time.

    I guess that comes from hanging out with thew kool-aid drinkin' lunatic fringe you seem to hang with boy ....

  36. I meant apocalyptical metaphorically, Clif (the economy, etc.). And like I said before, I don't subscribe to ANYBODY'S religious beliefs (Governor Palin's included). In fact, I don't even like the taste of Kool-Aid. I do, however, yes, have some conservative friends. You're just going to have to accept that. It doesn't mean that we can't get along.

  37. "I guess that comes from hanging out with thew kool-aid drinkin' lunatic fringe you seem to hang with boy ...."

    Wow Cliffy, guilt by association now?

    I thought that was off limits on account of yer bud B. Hussein Obama and his communist and terrorist pals?

  38. "Yo Bozo show me where I said the end is around the corner,...

    Also son, Will was speaking metaphorically. You guys are ALL running around like Chicken Little. Every day it's a different doom and gloom scenario with you people.

    I just check in to see what part of the sky is falling that particular day.

  39. Bingo, Voltron. That's basically what I was trying to say. I mean, I know that America will eventually dim/go by the way of Greece, Rome, Turkey, Spain, and England. I just think it's going to be a more gradual process and, yes, probably need more than George W. Bush to get the job done.

  40. Will,

    Thats why it's harder for Republicans to win.

    Personal responsibility is a tough sell when Democrats will give you anything you want.

  41. I think things COULD get better if we could convince the public of the truth of JFK's statement, "Ask NOT what your country can do for you..."

  42. Will If you don't keep promises to the old the young will not trust getting old.

    You are quite dense.

    Keeping promises means something important to the fabric of society

  43. I'm all for keeping promises, 1138. Any modifications of the social security system would be phased in gradually. A revamping of the system would be done in order KEEP our promises to the young.

  44. Voltron said...

    Thats why it's harder for Republicans to win.

    Personal responsibility is a tough sell when Democrats will give you anything you want."

    Seems the repug jackasses have been the ones giving "ANYTHING YOU WANT" to the top 1% of wealthiest households, and to Wall Street, and to all Bush and Cheney's cronny contractor buddies like Haliburton and Blackwater...........but keep spewing your BS repug lies and dishonest talking points Volt.

  45. Voltron said...
    I think things COULD get better if we could convince the public of the truth of JFK's statement, "Ask NOT what your country can do for you..."

    Maybe you should start by trying to convince the the top 1% and the Wall Street elite and the CEO's raping the working class with their salaries in the hundreds of millions and approaching billions of dollars, and the greedy contractors making hundreds of thousands and in some cases millions to do essentially the same thing our military are being asked to do that they should put their country first.

    Good luck with that one though, cause I dont think you'll EVER convince a greedy bastard that they should pay their fair share of taxes or not loot the coffers of companies with criminally excessive pay that is robbing the lifeblood of the working class and our economy.

    Hell you are too greedy to even want to pay your own fairshare of taxes, no less convince the wealthy and corporate elite of that.

  46. Hey DIMWIT, what you fail to realize is that SS is supposed to be a SAFETY NET not an investment want to invest for your retirement get a second job and save for your oWN retirement but i'll ask you straight up what do you propose if an inept person with very little financial and economic knowledge invests his SS and loses everything...........Do you propose the rest of the tax payers should bail out his folly and recklessness like personal responsibility and moral haqzzard mean absolutely NOTHING kinda like the hippocritical repugs are saying about Wall Street right now?

    Because from where I sit it looks like you two IDIOTS have learned NOTHING from the mortgage meltdown and waqnt to remove the safety nets on SS, so that can implode JUST LIKE the mortgage meltdown and we can be forced with either letting people starve and die or bailing out the reckless and ignorant at tax payer expense just like the repugs are advocating RIGHT clowns just dont learn from your mistakes do you, you want to remove all the safety nets and NECCESSARY regulations so the fox can run amuk in the chicken coop then you want all the hard working middle class to bail out your folly and recklessness.

    It truly boggles the mind!

  47. You idiots keep clinging to failed policies, lies, and discredited talking points and rhetoric like its a badge of honor.

    Watching the McSame campaign is like watching a bunch of straight F gang banger students trying to give advive to the National Honor Society on how to get good grades and be good law abiding students/citizens...............its time to listen to the smart people not the IDIOTS who have been DEAD WRONG on essentially EVERYTHING THEY HAVE EVER SAID OR DONE.

  48. First of all, it would be "partial". Only a percentage of a person's FICA tax would be available to invest. Secondly, it's voluntary. Anybody who wishes to stay within the parameters of the current paradigm may do so. And, three, no, we don't bail anybody out for their own stupidity. We sink or swim by our own choices.

  49. And, three, no, we don't bail anybody out for their own stupidity. We sink or swim by our own choices.

    Then FUCKHEAD it is NO longer INSURANCE, because one thing Insurance can do stupid is ..... bail YOU out from your own stupidity, which it seems, is enormous.

  50. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said... "And, three, no, we don't bail anybody out for their own stupidity. We sink or swim by our own choices."

    You dont get out much do you son, thats all that you repugs have done the last 8 years is bail people out for their own stupidity.

    Sink or swim my ass, after the last month you'd think even you dimwitted Reich Wing rejects would be to embarrased to spew out that tired talking point.

  51. Oh and mr take no prisoners, please clue me in as to what YOU would do for all the people who "voluntarily" select to invest a portion of their SS and lose i to assume we just let them die to decrease thge surplus population. You Reich wing idiots always say let people sink or swim on their own merits, personal resonsibility, free markets, welfare sucks............but when its your guys who want the handout you ALWAYS choose the welfare for the wealthy at the expense of the working class over the sink or swim and free market crap you parrot endlessly.

    This mortgage meltdown was caused by the SAME failed repug policies and unbridled greed that caused the Great Depression and now you IDIOTS want us to listen to you and do the same with SS...............isnt insanity doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different clowns just dont learn do you EVER?

  52. Look, Mike, if you want to debate these issues civily, you're more than welcome to blog here. But these last few comments of yours are unacceptable. First of all, I get out plenty. I apparently spend but a fraction of the time doing this stuff than you guys do. Number two, I'm not a "repug". I'm an Independent. I never voted for Bush, never supported the vast percentage of his policies, and have no plans to vote for John McCain. I approach no issues, NONE, from a partisan perspective. Thirdly, I warned you already to refrain from using that moronic Nazi imagery of yours on my blog. Don't be surprised if that particular comment gets eliminated. Fourthly, I have always been against corporate welfare and farm subsidies for agro-business. To associate those things with me shows just how readily you ASSume things. As to the issue itself, again, it's only a small portion of a person's payroll tax that will be available for investment. If a person, close to retirement, is stupid enough to put that percentage into high risk stock funds, oh well, then, yes, his check will suffer to a degree. And, no, that part that is invested isn't "insurance". It's something else. Time to think outside the box, Michael.

  53. A possible compromise would be to have the government mandate that all of a person's investment portion be removed from stock funds afer a certain age (say, 55). These funds could either be put back into the regular system or invested in C.D.s, savings bonds, and other low risk options.

  54. Hey genius quite a few of those comments werent me............and for the reecord you addressed very few of the points i raised as usual.

    as for your apoclyps where i said ANYTHING about the apocolypse you strawman loving troll.........all you do is erect straw men and cry that people are being mean to you and calling you names, because your not smart enough and not man enough to go toe to toe with me.

    You want to debate me on the economy genius drop by Lydia's if your man enough...........but the truth is most of the MSM and people in Congress are saying this is like the great Depression so you might want to attack them too if your not a partisan hippocrite.

    As for SS Will, i'm TRYING to be objective and think for the good of the country here when I say allowing a portion to be invested would be a mistake...........personally i wouldnt mind a bit because my investments have beaten 95% of the so called investment experts on Wall street for the last 6 years earning about 40% annually...........I've offered Fascist Fan, TT and Rusty a $10,000 wager that my portfolio's annual earnings exceeded theirs by at least 10% and they wouldnt touch it just like TT welched on our $10,000 bet on the LAST election that I won handily..........but as has become more and more evident competence is NOT to be assumed SS is a safety net NOT an investment sceme if you want to invest get a second job, but to say oh well we'll just let the surplus population die if they cant survive on what they get if their investments fail is you honestly THINK the politicians will let one of the biggest voting blocs they have starve without a bailout?

    Secondly I havent heard ANY real reasoned discusion or counter points from you such as investment experience, sophistication, knowledge or means tests to make that more palatable.............further regarding your assertion of CD's bonds and money markets as safe..............are you aware that anything that LOSES purchasing power is the furthest thing from safe, with inflation in the double digits and the dollar plummeting CD's earning 3%-5% are anything BUT safe, maybe they are safer than stocks for people who dont know much but I would hardly call them safe, when a senior could possibly lose 5%-25% annually to inflation and a declining currency thats not safe same for bonds if they are paying 5% and inflation is 10%-20% your getting killed and keep in mind rising interest rates are poison to bonds.

  55. I meant apocalyptical metaphorically (the sky is falling economically, etc.), crazy person. Mike, you're just basically a dick. "Not smart enough, not man enough", what kind of a lunatic even talks like that? What strawmen? What the hell are you talking about? It's just frigging buzz-words. I don't like debating you because it's pointless to debate a paranoid person. They/you perceive only selectively and the delusions are troublesome. You accuse me of crap that is so totally off the charts (I'm a right-winger, for example) that I really have trouble dealing with you. No reasoned counterpoints? I just gave you one; mandating that people over 55 not have any more of their payroll tax go into stock funds. As for C.D.s not being able to keep up with inflation, that is sometimes true. But compared to the 1-2% return one's money gets with social security, it's a far better bet. 20% inflation? I don't ever remember the rate being that high in my lifetime (not that it couldn't one day be that high, of course). Even during the Carter years, it was, what, 13-14%? And, besides, when inflation goes up, the fed usually increases interest rates and, yes, because of that, C.D. rates will go up, too. Mike, just knock off the cocky bullsit (usually the sign of an insecure person), will you. Talk to me like a normal person and maybe we can discuss this stuff. Otherwise, stay over at Lydia's.

  56. You actually HAVE stock, Mike? What are you going to do?

  57. I don't know, Mike, all those anonymous comments sounded the same and they all sounded like you. Trying to pin Bush (I can't stand Bush, I literally railed on him for the first nine months of my blog) on me all the time, how lame. And now you're accusing me of being in favor of corporate welfare. Where do you get this crap? I mean, seriously, do you just literally make it up? Give me Clif anyday.

  58. Give me Clif anyday.

    ... sorry son I ain't YOUR type.

  59. I don't know, Clif, do you look like Courteney Cox or Felicity Huffman?

  60. Neither son, damn you must be SHIT eating stoopid after that comment son.

    I actually gave you the benefit of the doubt and only thought you were paste eating stupid.

    You probably would make Herr Palin seem intelligent.

  61. No son your the joke here.

  62. A never-ending supply of purile retorts. Keep 'em coming, Clifffff.

  63. Like your failed dates?

  64. Sorry son, I have never posted as nicholas, the person who is doing it, JUST might be trying to UP your juvenile anger and use that persona to do it, but that person is not me.

  65. "failed dates", "son", "repugs", na, couldn't be you!

  66. No/unfortunately, I'm not nicholas, it ain't me but a good imitator me-buckos.


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