Friday, September 19, 2008

Jihad THIS, Bartlebee

Just for the record, folks, The Assemblies of God, the world's largest Pentecostal denomination (57 million members world-wide), has no official stance regarding the question of war/the military. Individual members/churches are allowed to take whatever stance that they deem to be most appropriate. Loyalty to the government is generally acknowledged by Assemblies of God churches, but no other official stances on these issues are part of church doctrine..............................................Actually, prior to 1967, rather than being advocates of war (as a number of bone-headed bloggers have recklessly asserted recently), the Assemblies of God opposed Christian participation in war and considered itself to be a peace church. Now it didn't always turn out that way, of course, in that thousands of church members participated in WW 2 and other wars. But it wasn't encouraged or mandated by those who were preaching from the pulpit, that being the major point, clearly...............................................P.S. As for any individual pastor/parishioner who may in fact be out there recklessly advocating war, certainly some criticism may be in order for them. All that I'm saying is that the entire faith shouldn't be getting a tar-job - not on this particular issue, anyway.


  1. The Leftists like bartlebee are animated by hatred of traditionally religious folks. This is because the Lib religion requires a full embrace of abortion any time until the moment of birth.

    The Lib religion also mandates the celebration of homosexual marriage. In California as in most states, we have legalized gay unions which provide virtually all the rights hetero couples have. But unless someone supports changing the millenia old definition of "marriage" then that person is branded as an intolerant "homophobe".

    In addition to the Lib's quasi-religious fervor, we have Obama's shocking life-long relationship with an America-hating, racist pastor, Jeremiah Wright.

    So the Left is now trying to smear Sarah Palin as a wide-eyed, sinister Christian lunatic, just to get even.

  2. "This is because the Lib religion requires a full embrace of abortion any time until the moment of birth."

    Or after, in the case of Obama supporting a bill that would refuse medical care to botched abortions where the infant lives.

  3. Truth in advertising, guys, I'm not a big fan of organized religion, in general. I don't even consider myself a Christian. I just have a major problem with people like Bartlebee and Lydia singling out one particular religion for ridicule. And they do it specifically to harm another human being and as a cheap political point. Not a lot of respect for these people.

  4. "I just have a major problem with people like Bartlebee and Lydia singling out one particular religion for ridicule. And they do it specifically to harm another human being and as a cheap political point."

    They do it to themselves as well Will.

    Take their particular brand of Christianity which I like to call "Hare Khristianity".

    God is much more than simply "love".

    Interesting too, that THEY can't even live by that.

    How many people do you think they're harming by leading souls astray?

    It may be unintentional on their part, but it's ridicule none the less, AND for a political point too.

  5. Remember what I told you when we first met?

    A Blast from the past:

    " Voltron said...

    I don't know if you're who or what you claim to be but,

    Interesting dialogue on Lydia's board earlier...LOL

    You've stumbled into the den of god's chosen ones. I don't know if you're familiar with Dr. Sanity, but she covered them awhile back:

    "Anyone who opposes their policies is automatically branded as racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic-- take your pick, depending on the circumstances."

    "In addition to externalizing blame for one's own pitiful situation in life, there is yet another advantage to paranoia and projection: often, a creative distortion of reality can reliably pump up one's own self-esteem. You are righteous, persecuting the true racists and you, yourself, are incapable of any racist thoughts or emotions. Sometimes, it pumps it that self-esteem up at the expense of a great deal of fear; but nevertheless, it is comforting to know that someone appreciates your genius or the threat you represent. Clearly if the CIA, FBI, aliens, Jews , POTUS, Republicans [fill in your favorite bogeyman here] are out to get you, you must be special and unique."

    Good luck with them. I'll watch with much amusement..."

    April 5, 2008 9:48 PM

  6. I guess open-minded centrists are bogey-men, too. Especially one who gets along with conservatives. Yeah, that peace and love stuff in their "mission statement" - a total bungh of bull-shit. Hey, great game, btw; East Carolina/N.C. State. Check out the end.


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