Saturday, September 20, 2008

Praying Off

"That's above my pay-grade", Obama's response to Pastor Rick Warren's question about human life/when it begins, boy, did that ever start a frigging fire-storm, huh? I mean, don't get me wrong here. My sympathies are clearly with Obama on this one. This, I'm saying, in that darned if there aren't any pat/easy answers to any of these types of questions. And, yes, to struggle with them (as Obama obviously did, let's be honest here), that, to me, shows that the fellow is at least a thinker of sorts. And the fact that he was basically in his "opponent's" territory, for Christ (McCain himself obviously having no trouble with this either-or/yes-no paradigm of morality)! That, too, was impressive............................................But, folks, come on, Obama - he had to have known that these types of questions were going to be asked. How could he NOT have had a little something better in his arsenal - not exactly a series of one or two word answers, mind you, but something less flip, a little less ambiguous perhaps? Not that he was necessarily going to peel off a lot of these voters anyway but, seriously, you've got to give yourself a better shot than that idiotic punch-line apparently did.............................................Thankfully, for him, it wasn't his base that had to bear witness to such a curt response. Now THAT would have truly been a disaster (though, yes, his most ardent devotees would more than likely rationalize instead).

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