Sunday, June 22, 2008

Weeds, Poisonous Weeds In Fact

To so acquiesce to the "swift-boating" of John McCain, though (as many on the far-left have been willing to do these days), to engage in such hyperbole that one will even compare him to Hitler, for Christ, that, my friends, has nothing to do with being "fair and balanced". This, I'm saying, in that it really seems to go BEYOND politics, this idiocy of sorts (though, yes, I will admit it, politics can in fact be pure filth at times). To me, it's more about decency - basic human decency. And so, yeah, one could say that it's a different ball-game altogether - this, given the cast of characters, I'm saying.


  1. Will, I agree. As much as I would dislike McCain becoming Prez, I would never dream of attacking his military record. I spent my youth hoping to avoid Viet Nam, and thankfully I lucked out...I would never had made it.

    What do you think of the Keaton Five investigation? In your opinion, did McCain get off easy?

    On a side note, I did a little digging. Monica Crowley recently refered to Obama as has our friend Voltron. I guess he went by that name in High School but it seems to be a point of mockery. Guess those who don't have identity issues are free to make fun of others who do. Any thoughts?

    Drinks on Sataurday? Gin n tonic Oh Da!


  2. Geez MK,

    He started going by Barack when he got involved in politics, his "community organizing" to give himself some street cred.

    Kinda like how Geraldo used to be Jerry Rivers.

    When they put on airs to fool others yes I'll mock it.

  3. And as far as "identity issues", he really shouldn't have any. He was raised by his white grandparents after his black father abandoned him when he was two.

    So naturally he embraces the white community.

  4. It's Voltron,

    Hey Will, you're gonna love this, I just had an HOUR AND A HALF post and delete session with Larry over at LC's...

    He finally switched to "only team members can post".


  5. He may have reported me, I can't post under my blogger handle right now...


  6. The Keating 5? The only thing I've heard is that, while McCain was involved in that mess, he wasn't quite as dirty as the others. Still, though, it's a hell of a lot more germane than the military shit. Drinks? I sink so...... Voltron vs. Larry? I gotta check that out. Is there any of it left?

  7. P.S. I hate to spend so much time defending a guy who's disappointed me so much and who I'm not going to be voting for, but what's fair is fair. I mean, a lot of this stuff I don't care about, Obama's lunatic pastor, that McCain staffer who apparently still worships the Confederate flag. I'd just like a coherent message FROM EITHER OF THESE GUYS. I hate to say it here but Hillary's starting to look pretty good. Wow, huh?

  8. Not much to check out Will.

    I'd post, he'd delete it.

    Finally he gave up though. I made my post and Cliffy has acknowleged it...LOL

  9. Guess I was just paranoid about being TOS'ed. Blogger was down for 10 minutes for maintenance.


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