Saturday, June 21, 2008

That was Then, This is Bull-Shit

I don't know, folks, I guess that selective outrage is something that the extremes of politics are always going to engage in. Take the "far-right", for example. When Thesea Heinz-Kerry stone-walled on whether to release her taxes or not, those from that side of the spectrum went into convulsions. They frigging wanted to lynch the lady, for Christ (this, I'm saying, as opposed to their rather tepid response when Cindy McCain did basically the same thing)! OR, me-buckos, when the "far-left", after being truly outraged (legitimately so) at the "swift-boating" of John Kerry, essentially tolerate the same thing when it's done to John McCain - the perpetrators using some rump organization called "Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain" as their primary source, for Christ!! Incredible. Bottom-line, folks, if this is the price that one has to pay to be a partisan these days, I've got three little words for you; 1) count, 2) me, 3) out!

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