Monday, June 23, 2008

Meet the Kos

I was watching MSNBC the other day, folks, and, of course, they were talking about their colleague, Tim Russert. But on this occasion, they were actually speculating as to who the possible replacement for Mr. Russert would be; Chris Matthews, Dan Abrams, etc.. And then they mentioned (with straight faces, I swear) the name of Keith Olbermann. Keith Olbermann!!....................................I mean, seriously, folks, how preposterous is that? You're going to entrust to the public air-waves (not cable, mind you, but network news) a man who's biases of late have almost become cartoon-like. And the fact that he's actually going to have to talk to people with views that are different than his (seriously, when was the last adversarial opinion he's EVER allowed on "Countdown"?). Seriously, what's he going to do/how's he going to act when that ventriloquist act of his nose-dives, the first time, the second time, the third time?.....................................Look, folks, I'll admit it, he's an extremely interesting fellow, a bright fellow. Hell, you could even say that his show is entertaining at times ("Bill Orally, the the worst person in the world!!" - some of those skits are actually classics). But in terms of being an impartial arbiter of political matters, he has lost ALL credibility in that regard. I mean, I'd have a lot of trouble with him in that role. And I have a tendency to frequently agree with him. Can you imagine how members of the right would react to him, the frigging hay that they'd be apt to generate? It's downright scary, I'm telling you.


  1. Keith Olbermann is a wuss and like the rest of his MSNBC colleagues, he has absolutely no journalistic integrity.

  2. It's a shame, though. Like I said, he does seem to have some talent/intellect. Obama definitely must love him.


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