Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Socialize This

Another example of hyperbole that really irks me is when Sean Hannity constantly refers to Hillary Clinton as a "Socialist". I mean, he does it all the time, for Christ - so much so....that it's actually become a mantra on that new unfair/unbalanced show of his, "Hannity's America" (still waiting for "Colmes's America", by the way)...........................................Oh, and now you've got O'Reilly chiming in, too - referring to Hillary's campaign pledge to raise the marginal income-tax rates from 35% to 39% as, yes, a Socialistic ploy of sorts. It's like, talk about not having even a vague sense of history. Do not these nimrods realize that the top rate in the 1950s was an astronomical 90%? Ninety frigging percent!! And that was during the Eisenhower administration, for Christ! It's like, what, are they now going to tell me that Eisenhower, too, was a Socialist? They sure as hell better not, me-buckos. Not, that is, if they intend to have some civil discourse with me.


  1. Oh yes the will. That commi/pinko Eisenhower who warned us of The Military/Industrial Complex that the right wing is so very fond of. Is is the neo=cons greatest invention to have finally achieved what Eisenhower feared for us. They should be very proud.

  2. Rather prophetic, wasn't he. I'm tellin' ya', Ike is looking better and better to me. If only he had been a little more forward-leaning on civil rights. That would probably be my only major complaint about him.

  3. On "Hardball" last week, I heard some of the "insiders" talk about rumors of an Obama/Hagel unity ticket. That sounds rather formidable. It would definitely help Obama recoup some of those voters he lost to Hillary the past few weeks.

  4. "Barack Obama met secretly with a controversial Imam this week in Michigan.
    Imam Hassan Qazwini has hosted Louis Farrakhan at his mosque and is close to the Hezbollah Spiritual Leader who issued the fatwa to blow up 300 U.S. Marines and embassy officials in 1983."

    "Imam Hassan Qazwini, head of the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, met privately with Sen. Barack Obama at Macomb Community College on May 14, 2008. (Detroit Free Press)"

  5. I used to be worried about Obama.

    No longer.

    The longer this goes on and the more I hear about Obama, I'm becoming more and more conviced he can't win.

    The slice of demographics that he appeals to is increasingly thin.

    He may win a majority of the black vote, but there is a lot of heresay about Clinton supporters that will vote McCain if he becomes the democratic nominee.

    There aren't enough true liberal wackos to elect him, and the more he talks the more serious people begin to see how naive and ill prepared he is to be the leader of the most powerful nation on earth.

    He's made some very dumb comments on our lifestyle, the SUV and keeping your house at 72 degrees speech, not to mention the uneducated who cling to guns and the bible.

    Every he opens his mouth on national defense and homeland security issues he comes off as ignorant. Add to that a wife who has some sort of chip on her shoulder and this package looks very bad indeed.

    While he does have a strong youth following and I'm sure more will turn out than expected this year, historically they haven't turned out in large enough numbers to turn an election.

    Add to that the race factor, (I'm sure there are some who won't vote for him because of color. Of course Hillary probably wouldn't get their vote either.) and I simply can't see him getting a majority against even a weak candidate like McCain.

    I'm sorry to say it, really I am. I was prepared to vote for Hillary but it looks more and more like we're going to get McCain by default.

    Obama's ONLY hope at this point is that there are enough Republicans like me who despise McCain and will stay home, and that the moderates won't turn out for McCain either.

    If I had to predict this one, I'd say the Republican turnout will be low, but they and the moderate turnout will be just enough for McCain to beat Obama by a sizeable yet not huge margin.

  6. Voltron you seem to only give one side and ignore the whole truth for some reason;

    Al-Qazwini has met with President Clinton and President Bush to discuss issues pertaining to Muslim affairs. The State Department and Defense Department have also invited him.

    I do not think he is the radical Debbie Schlussel dishonestly claims he is.

    As for a 39% tax rate, what kind of socialist did Ronald Reagan have to be to claim a 50% rate for the upper incomes was good in 1981?

    I personally would prefer a Obama-Webb ticket or a Obama-Testor ticket to a Obama-Hagel ticket.

    Obama probably would be wise to look outside the US senate anyway.

  7. "As for a 39% tax rate, what kind of socialist did Ronald Reagan have to be to claim a 50% rate for the upper incomes was good in 1981?"

    One that brought it DOWN from over 70%.

  8. Oh another finding on the Obama front.

    That rally in Portland where the fawning media gloriously claim he drew over 75,000?

    What they didn't tell us: There was an opening act. A regionally popular band called "The Decembrists".

    Another item left out for some reason: "The Decembrists" often open their shows with the Russian national anthem...

    The irony.

  9. "I do not think he is the radical Debbie Schlussel dishonestly claims he is."

    If you do not KNOW, but only "think" then you really can't state as a fact she's dishonestly claiming it can you?

    I however believe the first part of your statement is true though, The part that goes: "I do not think".

    And of course he's a radical. He's muslim.

  10. "And of course he's a radical. He's muslim."

    Which by your narrow minded racist views means;

    Zalmay Khalilzad, George W
    Bush's choice to be ambassador to Afghanistan, then Iraq and now the United Nations must be a radical because he is a Muslim.

    Ahmed H. Zewail - chemist and recipient of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, must be a radical.

    Fazlur Khan - structural engineer (designed the Sears Tower, John Hancock Center) must be a radical.

    Murad Wilfred Hofmann - NATO official must be a radical because he converted to Islam.

    Dr. Robert Dickson Crane (born on March 26, 1929) is the former adviser to the late President of the United States Richard Nixon, and is former Deputy Director (for Planning) of the U.S. National Security Council. Converted to Islam so he must have become a radical right?

    Seems your analogy is flawed.

  11. Will said "Another example of hyperbole that really irks me is when Sean Hannity constantly refers to Hillary Clinton as a "Socialist". I mean, he does it all the time, for Christ - so much so....that it's actually become a mantra on that new unfair/unbalanced show of his, "Hannity's America" (still waiting for "Colmes's America", by the way)...........................................Oh, and now you've got O'Reilly chiming in, too - referring to Hillary's campaign pledge to raise the marginal income-tax rates from 35% to 39% as, yes, a Socialistic ploy of sorts. It's like, talk about not having even a vague sense of history. Do not these nimrods realize that the top rate in the 1950s was an astronomical 90%? Ninety frigging percent!! And that was during the Eisenhower administration, for Christ! It's like, what, are they now going to tell me that Eisenhower, too, was a Socialist? They sure as hell better not, me-buckos. Not, that is, if they intend to have some civil discourse with me."

    That is a GREAT point, Will, one i have raised before as well............Hell, the repug idol Reagan had taxes at 45% and 50% and he wasnt a socialist or a commie..........the repugs STILL to this day worship Reagan like he was a god who could walk on water.

  12. Voltron said...
    "As for a 39% tax rate, what kind of socialist did Ronald Reagan have to be to claim a 50% rate for the upper incomes was good in 1981?"

    One that brought it DOWN from over 70%."

    Once again you take the factual into absurdity, of course bringing down taxes from an absurd putitative level that is WAY TOO high to a reasonable level will stimulate the economy and possibly increase revenues...........but continuing to reduce the upper level of taxation beyond what is fair and reasonable hurts both the economy, the working class and revenue to the treasury.....................by YOUR riddiculous standards if taking taxes from 70% to 45% was could how about we take them from 45% to 5% or even eliminate them all together.........by your hippocritical standards the economy and tax revues would boom even more right.

    By YOUR hippocritical standards Volt, if one glass of wine a day is healthy, 50 glasses a day MUST be better right?

  13. Remember he tried to hold back Macarthur to keep WW3 from erupting with China.

    And he probably wouldn't have committed troops in 1954 after the problems Korea created in the previous years.

    That helped curtail Ike I'm sure.


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