Sunday, May 18, 2008

Immaterial Crap

I'm getting a little disgusted with this culture of ours, folks - namely, the stupidity of it, the unadulterated mediocrity of it, etc.. And, no, I am not, me-buckos, in any way coming at it from the same inanely prudish/homophobic/hypocritical standpoint that O'Reilly and the rest of the so-called traditionalists are; denouncing gay-marriage, proclaiming that Christians in America are being persecuted - stuff like that. No, folks, I just think that we're getting pathetic, embarrassingly so........................................Take, for instance, the fact that the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has recently inducted (yes, it's true, folks) Madonna, MADONNA, into this supposed pantheon of theirs. I mean, seriously, has this son-of-a-bitch ever even done a rock and roll song, for Christ? Granted, artists from other genres have been honored over the years (inducted into the Hall); blues artists, country artists, jazz artists, folk artists, etc.. But, come on, these art-forms have been major influences in the development of rock music throughout it's history (and, yes, continue to be). Compare that, I'm saying, to pop music (Madonna's domain of choice), an art-form that is largely pablum and, hence, antithetical to the very spirit of rock.......................................And let's not forget this whole image of hers, either, a persona that, frankly, is as inane and disgusting as it's always been, period. I mean, come on, folks, have you ever, EVER, witnessed an "artist" who's had this level of longevity and, yet, remained so mediocre/glamour-oriented. I certainly can't remember one. But, no, honor the God-damned frigging mamby-pamb. Unbelievable!


  1. You are a rather interesting individual, to say the least. Do I gather that you have some issues with Madonna, as well? LOL Now this cracker thing, are you using it (the term) to provoke? Or was it to diminish Hillary's W in West Virginia? Curious P.S. Did you get my E-mail about and my fight with him on the Iraq War. I thought it was a pretty good discussion I had with the fellow. Please, check it out and, yes, by all means, join the fray. Will.

  2. My problems with Madona are really much the same as my problems with Hillary. Is there a real there there. She reinvents herself so often I don't believe there is an authentic person inside. And so I don't trust anything she does or says. Full of crap is the way my cracker family would have put it. And yes, It was the demographic of the West Virginia vote, the hard working, uh, hard work white (yeah?) the hardworking under educated, small town, back woods, (possibly racist?) hard work white voters of (where?) West Virginia--a state by the way that is whiter than Utah, and about as likely to vote for a democrat in the general election. What was the question? Oh yeah, Madona. Oh no, I don't have a problem with her really, not much.

  3. If Madonna reinvented herself artistically (ala Miles Davis, ala Picasso, ala Montgomery Clift), that would be one matter. But to reinvent yourself by purely tinkering around an image, that, my friend, is total B.S..

  4. One positive thing, though, about those poor, uneducated white mountain folks from Tennessee, North Carolina, and West Virginia. A lot of them risked their lives helping slaves escape via the underground railroad. There's good and bad in every population. Even bloggers, right (wink, wink)?

  5. "West Virginia--a state by the way that is whiter than Utah, and about as likely to vote for a democrat in the general election."

    Actually, West Virginia has traditionally voted Democrat.

    Witness Robert KKK Byrd.

    And as to racism, I believe MUCH more racism exists in the black community than in the white.

    The biggest roadblock to true racial parity is the black leadership, ala NAACP, Jackson, Sharpton et al. As long as blacks are made to feel they're "owed" they will never be motivated to fully participate in the American dream.

  6. Oh, and I also wanted to comment on LBJ from the previous thread.

    Regarding the civil rights legislation, without the Republicans in congress it would have NEVER passed. Regardless of who switched party affiliations and when, civil rights had almost no Democrat support whatsoever.

  7. i was watching Hillary Clinton and Obama on TV today, and it hit me how much Hillary reminded me of the Black Knight From Monty Python and Obama reminds me of King Arthur..

    Hillary VS Obama

    I think its funny, but watch the whole thing, and judge for yourself.

  8. Voltron said...
    Oh, and I also wanted to comment on LBJ from the previous thread.

    Regarding the civil rights legislation, without the Republicans in congress it would have NEVER passed. Regardless of who switched party affiliations and when, civil rights had almost no Democrat support whatsoever."

    And thats precisely WHY I think Obama will be a better [resident than Hillary because he will work with the repugs to get stuff that is in our interests like Alternative energy and Hillary will be divisive and inspire opposition from the repugs.

    Take her health care initiative, (now i'm not crazy about eithers health care plans, but they are both better than no national health care).........I am very pro national health care but even i have big problems with her plan to fine those who cant afford to buy health care insurance.

    Health care needs to be provided afforably NOT fine the poor because they dont have the money to buy health insurance.

  9. Absolutely, Voltron. I don't think the Republicans got enough credit for their civil rights record. George Bush sr. actually got death-threats when he voted for the housing act in 1966 (as a member of congress). Northern Democrats - I believe they were on board, too. Sharpton? Sharpton's a tool. Thankfully, Obama seems to be cut from a different cloth.

  10. Please, Voltran, name another Democrat West Virginia has voted for in recent memory. Byrd was a clan member in his youth. His conversion to democracy and civil rights for ALL citizens was rather late in coming. The fact that he has lived forever makes him seem saintly. Don't get me wrong--I love the guy, so eloquent and passionate in his defense of liberty and our bill or rights. I could be wrong, I often am, but just out of curiosity when was it Byrd gave up his clan affiliation? And what other Dems. has West Virginia voted for other maybe than.....? I can't think of one, but I live in Utah. What the fuck do I know.

  11. Voltron, are you from West Virginia? If so, do you actually know any black people whose racism you actually experience--because West Virginia has a total minority population of around .8%. Did you guys lynch them all and scare them survivors into, say, Kentucky? Their minority population is 7% or so. That includes those illegals, Lou dobbs is so damn exercised about. We love the black folks so much here in Utah we have about 12%. We imported them to work on the railroads. Strange to me that they stayed, since we sure didn't welcome them into "our" "religion" Mormonism until it got to be so embarrassing that sometime in the 1980's or so, "our" "prophet" had a revelation from god that they were OK. Wheew. Glad we're no longer racists. We have never elected a black person to any public office that I'm aware of, though. But I'm one lazy researcher.

  12. Jay Rockefeller is a Democrat. My suspicion, though, is that a lot of other Dems from that state are Reagan Democrats, blue-dogs who fluctuate back and forth.


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