Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Absent and Unaccounted For

Have you noticed, though, how O'Reilly's been staying neutral during this Republican primary season? I mean, the fact that he's been so totally uncritical of these bozos (this, I'm saying, despite all the fodder they've provided) that, my friends, is NOT surprising. But the mud that they've been slinging at each other - surely this, I'm saying (him having such a nose for injustice and all), is something that under normal circumstances would be worthy of at least a mention................................And the fact that conservative commentators, too, have gotten into the mix of late. For example, I just heard Bill Bennett (currently a CNN analyst - CNN, supposedly one of these far-liberal cable-news venues) refer to former Arkansas governor Huckabee as (drum-roll, please) a huckster (a play on words, obviously).................................Yeah, that's right, folks, Governor Huckabee's being attacked, not by liberals so much, BUT BY CONSERVATIVES. And not just on his political record, either. Supposedly his fellow Baptist preachers have said that here, too, the fellow is far to the left of where he needs to be. He's a liberal (at least that's the accusation)!.....................................But let's get back to O'Reilly. And, yes, I am in fact serious here, folks. I would truly like to know what Billo thinks about this - all of it. Does he agree with Huckabee's conservative critics here....OR are they being totally unfair to him? Certainly, folks, there's got to be an outrage somewhere here. Damn it! Where the hell's O'Reilly when you really need him?

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