Thursday, January 3, 2008

Just Another Sterile Warrior

Frank Gaffney, folks, remember him? He had, like, what, a cup of coffee in the Reagan administration or something? Unfortunately, that's evidently enough these days to secure yourself a life-long tenure as a cable-news talking-head/Bush apologist. And I'm telling you here, folks, this guy (again, unfortunately) is the benchmark/total package. I mean, seriously, you name it, he's for it. Illegal wiretaps, check. Torturing detainees, check. Invading/occupying sovereign nations, check. A rubber-stamp for the neocons, in other words................................And, so, no, what I saw recently didn't surprise me in the least. Yeah, I'm referring to his assertion that water-boarding isn't bad in that, as part of special training, we water-board our own marines. "If it's acceptable to water-board our own soldiers, why then is it bad to water-board terror suspects?" Of course, what he clearly forgot to mention was that our soldiers know that THEIR water-boarding is a simulation and that the detainees don't They actually DO think they're going to die. That's a pretty important distinction, don't you think?.................................As for Gaffney specifically, he, evidently, is as much a master of the partial expose' as O'Reilly himself. In fact, they should probably collaborate, huh? Just got to find a facility big enough to house their egos. Stench from their arrogance, notwithstanding.

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