Tuesday, January 1, 2008

All those Polite Slave-Traders, I Gather

"Has the culture ever been worse?" He actually had the temerity to ask one of his "colleagues" that. I don't know, I guess he evidently feels that girls kissing (for example) has a much more deleterious effect on society than segregation, sweat-shop labor, etc.. I mean, talk about fellow whose values are, shall we say, a tad askew. And the thing is, folks, when all those lights go down in O'Reillyville, I'd be willing to bet that he, Mr. O'Reilly - well, let's just say he's probably willing to compromise. In the words of Al Franken (his mortal enemy, I gather), "I didn't know that phone-sex was a (pause for effect) "traditional" value."

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