Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Glass House Calling the Black Kettle a Monday Morning Quarterback

I'm telling you, while there are indeed many things that O'Reilly SHOULD refrain from, him....accusing another person of hyperbole - THAT, my friends, would have to be numero uno. He shows this film-clip of Chris Matthews, right (and, yes, Matthews does in fact get excited from time to time), and tries to portray this as an example of the media, "going absolutely crazy over this whole Obama thing". He further goes on to say that "everybody knew Obama was going to win in Iowa" (this, I'm saying, despite the fact that Obama was enmeshed in a 3-way tie one day prior to the balloting). I mean, if O'Reilly doesn't see the significance of an African-American candidate winning in a state that is 95% Caucasian, then, yeah, maybe the blinders are on a little too tight here. Not to mention that the frigging guy is fighting a culture-war, too, simultaneously, for Christ!!

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