Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Anti-Edwards Media/ Multiple Spin-Zone

And what about Mr. O'Reily's recent treatment of John Edwards? How absolutely despicable has that been, huh? I mean, he either takes the guy out of context OR misconstrues the hell out of his words (the implication clearly being that Edwards won't protect us against terrorism). Oh, and then there's the name-calling (he's a far-left loon), obviously..................................Of course, what I find MOST unsavory, though, is when he and his hand-picked guests do their God-damned piggy-back routine. First O'Reilly does his character assassination of Edwards, then his guest. Dennis Miller, for example, he calls Edwards a maggot, an empty suit, etc.. That, I'm saying, and then some douche-bag military "expert" (Fox's definition, not mine) comes out and calls Edwards, what, a good-looking version of Huey Long or something? Huey Long, for crying out loud. It's like, talk about taking the poor fellow apart. That's pretty close to the worst, I'm thinking.......................................P.S. And then there's the frigging inconsistency/hypocrisy component. I mean, just look at Bill Maher, for example. When Maher goes on Leno and ridicules Bush, O'Reilly makes a major stink about it. This, I'm saying, while, at the same time, he doesn't challenge Miller for the maggot comment PERIOD! Of course, the fact that O'Reilly himself says stuff like, "the only thing living under a bridge these days is Edwards's brain", damned if that isn't just as incriminating - at least it is to these ears, me-buckos!

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